Topic 8: Fluid Systems Mix and Flow of Matter
High temperature can cause pressurized containers to rupture. Particles always flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. CFC’s (chlorofluorohydrocarbons) were common components of aerosol sprays that caused damage to the ozone layer. Example: High temperature can cause pressurized containers to rupture.
Because gases always want to expand, any hole in the container causes them to spray out with great force
Hydraulic Systems Hydraulics is the study of pressure in liquids Hydraulic systems are devices that apply force through a liquid to move an object. Force is exerted on a continuous enclosed liquid. The applied force creates pressure that moves the liquid through a series of tubes, pipes or hoses, which cause motion at the other end of the system.
Hydraulics can also be used to transport fluids from one place to another. Examples: water, natural gas, oil Pumps provide the force that pushes the fluid through the pipes because pressure is lost over distance from rubbing the inner pipe. Example: pumping stations
Pneumatic Systems Pneumatic systems are the same as hydraulic systems except that they use gas instead of liquid. The operation of most pneumatic systems are based on the fact that gases can be compressed. Compressors are used in pneumatic systems to build up air pressure to do tasks. They release pressurized air to perform tasks. Example: impact wrench, air brakes, dentist tools