Ch. 13 Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes
Japan in 1600’s Emperor - Symbolic power, respected through tradition Shoguns - supreme military dictator Daimyo - landowning lord Samurai - warrior (knights) Tokugawa Shoguns seized power in Japan and closed it to foreigners 200 years of isolation from the world led to discontent over domestic policy Weakening of Shogunate set up unequal treaties
U.S. Imperialism Commodore Matthew Perry 1853 arrives off the coast with a fleet of well-armed ships Want Japan to open ports Unable to defend, Japan signs treaties that give the U.S. trading rights Disgraced by these terms, daimyo and samurai revolt, unseat the shogun and restore the Emperor to power (Mutsuhito)
Meiji Restoration Mutsuhito moved to the shogun’s palace in Edo and renamed Tokyo Reform: New political and social system All citizens equal Formed a Diet (legislature) Built a modern industrial economy supporting the zaibatsu (powerful industrial families) Reform occurred quickly partly due to Japans homogeneous society (common culture and language)
Imperialism (Japan) Need natural resources for industry Pushes them to build an empire Forces Korea to open its ports for trade Competition between Japan and China leads to the First Sino-Japanese War Gains ports in China and control over Taiwan Russia feels threatened and loses battle with Japan in Russo-Japanese War By early 1900’s Japan is strongest power in Asia