Understanding the United Nations History and Function of the United Nations
European nations were very separate, not united except through alliances. No organization to promote international peace and security existed. Approximately 15 million people died 22 nations were actively engaged; Over ½ the nations of the world were somehow affected by WWI; WWI ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in Background: World War I
- Organization was founded with the goal of keeping peace and preventing future world wars; - Power of the League was limited to unanimous agreement; League of Nations - It was unable to prevent aggression between nations, led to WWII; - It was not discontinued until 1946, shortly after the United Nations was created.
United Nations -October 24, 1945 – The United Nations (UN) became official with 51 nations; -As of 2011, membership of the UN has increased to 193 countries; Goals of the UN are: -Keep world peace and security -Develop friendly relations between nations -Help countries solve economic and social problems
Harold E. Stassen -Elected Governor of Minnesota in President Franklin Roosevelt chose him to be one of eight United States delegates -Key player in drafting UN Charter
Eleanor Roosevelt Former First Lady Renowned social and political activist, journalist, educator and diplomat. Key role drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Truman and Kennedy
-Global problems require global solutions; -Peacekeeping evolved into tackling Global Issues -Global Health, Famine, Education, Conflict United Nations – Why is it important?