EDUCATION SERVICES Copyright in the Classroom
Dr. Rose Martin Director of Education Sheila Campbell Resources Manager
Copyright and your classroom What you can use How long you can use it How you can use it in your lessons
Based on: Title 17 of the U.S. Code Public Law , 1978 Section 106: rights of copyright holders Section 107: fair use Section 110: classroom exemption for public performance and display
Source: Copyright,- Clearing Up Some Misconceptions Randy Agee, Va. D.O.E. Open Broadcast Programming z Local television stations z Do not require a commercial cable subscription to view z Examples: In Roanoke: 7, 10, 13, 15, 21/27, 38, 59
Legal Use of Open Broadcasts zTeacher must record the program or request in advance and in writing that the program be recorded (e.g. by a school media specialist) zThe program must be used within 10 days and may only be used for teaching (not for entertainment) zThe program may only be used once
Legal Use of Open Broadcasts zThe program must be erased within 45 days zMay not be given to another teacher who didn’t ask for it in advance.
What about cable? Most programs on PAY or PREMIUM channels are not available for classroom use, but some cable programming might have classroom rights. Check with your Cable in the Classroom representative!
Q. Can I rent videos for classroom use? A: Yes, but…. It must be used by the teacher who rents it It must be used in face-to-face teaching (not entertainment) It cannot be part of a public performance
But who is ever going to know? Conviction on copyright infringement can carry up to a $20, fine!
So how am I supposed to use Instructional Video as a Classroom Tool? ????????????????????????????????? ?????
So how am I supposed to use video as an instructional tool? Our Instructional Television is here for YOU!
Unlike most television broadcasts, our ITV programs come with full taping rights for teachers. Copyright and Taping Rights
Year to Year Tape and Keep Rights Tape and Keep Rights One Year From Broadcast (PBS) Tape and Keep Rights for Life of Tape Tape and Keep Rights in Perpetuity Duplication Rights/No Duplication Rights Unrestricted Use for Educational Purposes Types of Rights
Tape Speed: SP vs. EP One Series Per Tape: Keeping your library organized Block Feeding: Makes taping easier Tape Labels: Program, Episode numbers, Record date Get Help with Taping: Students, Parents, Co-workers Tips for Taping
Who to call: (540) ext or Requesting Programs
Have the series title and episode number ready, if you can! First Come, First Served Requesting Programs
Multimedia Copyright Evolving annually but the current guidelines are:
Motion media: Up to 10% or 3 minutes, whichever is less, in the aggregate. Text: Up to 10% or 1000 words, whichever is less, in the aggregate Music, lyrics, and music video: Up to 10%, but in no event more than 30 seconds, of the music and lyrics from an individual musical work (or in the aggregate of extracts from an individual work.)
Photographs and illustrations: An entire work may be used but no more than 5 images by an artist or photographer, and no more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less, from a published collective work. Copyrighted database or data table: Up to 10% or 2500 field entries (items of information in a record of a database, such as name or social security number) or cell entries (intersections where a row and column meet on a spreadsheet), whichever is less. Computer programs: Beyond the scope of the guidelines.
Enriching people’s lives by providing educational, informational and cultural programming that fills a unique role as a positive and lifelong resource for the communities we serve.