C OPYRIGHT designed to protect original material licensed or created by the owner Rights include: adaptation, distribution, public performance, public display, and digital transmission
L AWS Net Theft Visual Artist Rights Act Digital Millennium Copyright Act Copyright Term Extension Act Digital Performance Right Act Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act
Many teachers do not see the legal or moral issue with using copyrighted music and films in the classroom. Fair Use has become a blanket MYTH that educators use for allowing certain materials into the classroom.
T HE MYTH... Copyrighted material can be used, shown or duplicated for any purpose since a school is about education and they are protected.
Educational Fair Use
F AIR U SE FOR E DUCATION Exemption section 106 intends to protect copyrights with the allowance of legitimate use for educational or research purposes.
Fair Use Factors 1. Purpose is for non- commercial or nonprofit educational use 2. The nature of copyrighted work 3. Amount/portion used in relation to the copyrighted work 4. potential market value of the copyrighted work Misconceptions 1. Schools have the right to use material as the wish 2. Using copyrighted material is OK if it is teaching purposes 3. Spreading the “word” by making copies of copyrighted material 4. It is for the “students” and that is OK.
S OFTWARE U SAGE District Software is for the use on district computers only. Unauthorized copies of software or fonts obtained by faculty or students will not be tolerated. Copyright protects against to copying of software, music and DVD disks Misuse of software must be reported to school administration immediately Appropriate licensing for software should be recorded in the District Technology office Routine audits of software will be conducted by the Technology office.
C OPYRIGHT AND M EDIA Fair use for media does NOT include: Rainy day video Reward incentive movie showings Copies of digital media (movies or CD’s) Audio streaming in a classroom Highlight videos
C OPYRIGHT AND M EDIA 5 Guidelines for Media Fair Use: Is it a face to face teaching lesson? Is the media a legally acquired copy? Is the viewing limited to students and instructors? Is the viewing in a classroom or similar setting? Is this a “non-profit” event?