DCA-1 P-03K-01 Within rural Baston Trailer Park its roadways are often impassable with rain events for the residents. Wilkes County proposes to widen and pave the dirt main roadway (2,300 l.f.) and all three dirt loop roadways (1,550 l.f.) to the southwest and will provide drainage with ditches and culverts. These roadways are the only ingress/egress to the Trailer Park for the 21 households of 63 beneficiaries, 100% of whom have LMI. Quantities: Grading & Fill for Building Up Road, 6,781 CY; Triple Chip Seal & Asphalt Prime, 6,322 SY each; Erosion & Sedimentation Control; 3 Drainage Culverts RCP 18" 120 l.f. and 2 Drainage Culverts 200 l.f. CMP 15".
Loop #1 Loop #2 Loop #3 11 of 21 households are located on the 3 loop roads
Summary, Baston Trailer Park Total length of Street Improvements: 3,850 LF Main Road: 2,300 LF Loops: 1,550 LF (#1 500, #2 550, and #3 500) Surveys completed by long term resident in Park Beneficiaries, 21 HH, 63 beneficiaries, 100% LMI Tract of Land: acres Severity of Need: Road is nearly impassable in rain events and for one week after. Loop Two stays impassable on one side for weeks. Frequently, vehicles get stuck. Residents moved due the deteriorated roadway, flooding, muddy yards, children having to walk to main road rather be picked up at residence. School Buses make 5 trips per day Medical bus takes elderly patients for dialysis and other treatments Documentation letters citing incidents from Wilkes County– 1.Transportation Department, Director (all school buses) 2.Superintendent, Board of Education 3.Hulin Transportation (medical transport) 4.Sheriff’s Office 5.Emergency Management 6.Fire Department 7.Department of Family and Children’s Services 8.Public Works 9.US Postal Service Documentation: Video from Cell Phone on DVD School bus got stuck and pulled out, January 2015 Resident Letters: 11 handwritten
From Transportation Director’s Support Letter who also documented the Bus Incident in January 2015
Hulin Transportation
Excerpted from Resident Support Letter: I have lived here 4 ½ years at 397 Baston Trailer Park. Both sides of loop are packed with holes and mud. My truck is a Toyota Highlander 2008 that got stuck on the wet land when it was raining. My friend pulled me out with a new pickup truck from the grass because the road was so bad. This was 6-7 months ago in August Also, next door to me a handicap kid rides the short bus. The bus driver lets him off at the end of the road at the loop because she does not want to go thru the holes where the water is. (383 Baston) The people who lived there before them had a small car. They moved 4 months ago also, one of the reasons is because the car did get stuck, and they had to get a jeep to pull them out. (383 Baston) The Baptist Church bus would pull in my yard on Wednesdays because they did not want to go around. P.S. My Step dad was driving too fast about 30 mph & his car hit a bump & hit a tree. Someone cut the tree down and painted the stump orange.
TOTAL PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Acquisition$ 10, Street Improvements Construction$390, Street Engineering and Inspection and Permitting$ 46, Administration ($27,500 + $1,000 CM + $1,000 audit)$ 29, Contingencies$ 24, Land Survey (cash match)$ 9, Move Fill Dirt (in-kind leverage) $ 15, TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 526, CDBG Funds Requested$ 500, Wilkes County Cash Match, Land Survey + Grant Admin$ 10, Wilkes County Leverage (audit)$ 1, Wilkes County, In-kind leverage Move Fill Dirt to Baston Trailer Park road construction site $ 15, TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $ 526, CDBG Awarded for $500,000 to Wilkes County for Street Improvements to Baston Trailer Park Good Luck and Keep Trying!