Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 Mar 2013 BroadcomSlide QoS Queue Architecture and Possible 802.1bz Bridge Model Date: Authors:
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 Abstract This presentation describes -the structure of the QoS Queuing in the AP and non-AP STA devices, -and a possible architecture model for 802.1bz bridge. Slide 2Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r QoS Specifications EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) -High-priority traffic has a higher chance of being sent than low- priority traffic -Contention window (CW) and arbitration inter-frame space (AIFS) determines the probability to gain the access to the medium -CW and AIFS values are a function of the priority level. -Transmit Opportunity (TXOP) is the bounded time interval during which the transmitter can send as many frames as possible Wi-Fi Alliance’s WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) is a subset of (EDCA, TxOP) Slide 3Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r Access Categories EDCA/WMM Medium Access does not guarantee QoS QoS can be improved by Admission Control that limits admission and bandwidth utilization per Access Category Slide 4Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 Access Categories (AC) EDCA levels of priority are called access categories (ACs). ACs map directly from 802.1D-2004 user priority levels: Slide 5Broadcom Mar D (UP) Wi-Fi WMM aa-2012 w/ Alternate-EDCA activated Priority Priority Level DesignationACDesignation WMM Priority ACDesignation lowest1BKAC_BKBackground BKBackground 2-AC_BKBackground 0BEAC_BEBest Effort BEBest Effort 3EEAC_BEBest Effort 4CLAC_VIVideo A_VIVideo (Alternative) 5VIAC_VIVideoVIVideo (Primary) 6VOAC_VOVoice VOVoice (Primary) highest7NCAC_VOVoiceA_VOVoice (Alternative)
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r QoS Queue Architecture Slide 6Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r aa QoS Queues Slide 7Broadcom Mar 2013 aa introduces 2 additional queues for “alternate voice” and “alternate video”.
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 Current Bridge & AP Queue Architecture Slide 8Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 BSS Bridging “Common” Queue Architecture Slide 9Broadcom Mar 2013 Note: For the clarity of the figure, optional Tx intermediate buffers within the wireless MAC, handling the deferred access to the medium and the Tx retransmission on failure to receive an ACK are not represented.
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r – 802.1Q Priority Levels ACs priority level mapping differ from 802.1Q-2012 priority level mapping Slide 10Broadcom Mar D802.11WMM802.11aa802.1Q-2012 Priority Priority Level Desig. Access Category WMM Priority Access Category Priority Level Traffic type 6 traffic types 4 traffic types with SR Class A & B with SR Class B only lowest1BKAC_BK BackgroundBK 1 BE 2-AC_BK0BE 0 AC_BE Best EffortBE 2EE CA 3EEAC_BE3CA 4CLAC_VI Video A_VI4VI VO SR-BNC 5VIAC_VIVI5VONC 6VOAC_VO Voice VO6IC NC SR-ASR-B highest7NCAC_VOA_VO7NC
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r Portal Slide 11Broadcom Mar 2013 , Section 4.3.6: “Logical point at which MSDUs from an integrated non-IEEE LAN enter the IEEE DS.” 802.1Q-2012, Section 6.7.2: “A Bridge to an IEEE LAN shall connect to an IEEE Portal, which in turn connects to an IEEE Distribution System. For the purposes of bridging, the service interface presented at the Portal is identical to the service interface presented at the IEEE MAC SAP.
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r – MAC Relay Slide 12Broadcom Mar to MAC relay to MAC relay to MAC relay to MAC relay MSDU Rx Queue Tx Queue Selection MSDU Tx Queue 802.1x Ctrl Port Filtering MSDU Rx Queue MSDU Translation (“M_MA Portal”) Tx Queue Selection 802.1x Ctrl Port Filtering MSDU Tx Queue MSDU Rx Queue Tx Queue Selection MSDU Tx Queue MSDU Rx Queue Tx Queue Selection MSDU Tx Queue Forwarding [Priority Handling] MSDU Translation (“M_MA Portal”) Forwarding [Priority Handling] Forwarding [Priority Handling] Forwarding [Priority Handling]
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r bz Bridge Data Plane Model Slide 13Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r – MAC Relay in 802.1bz Bridge Slide 14Broadcom Mar 2013
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r bz Bridge Forwarding Process Mar 2013 BroadcomSlide 15 MAC DA MAC SA VID Priority 802.1Q clauses to be modified MA / M Portal : Q classification mapping MSDU translation 802.1x Ctrl Port Filtering Multicast Handling - Multicast “Port” management - “Multicast Reflection” prevention AC Queue selection [block] Ack / Retry No PCF or flow control EDCA “Shaping”
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-13/0221r1 References [1] IEEE [2] IEEE 802.1D [3] IEEE aa [4] Wi-Fi WMM Specification v1.2 Slide 16Broadcom Mar 2013