Plot The events of the story. There are six (6) elements of plot: Introduction/Exposition Inciting Event Rising Action Climax Falling Action Conclusion/Resolution (Denouement)
Setting The time and place in which a story is set.
Mood/Atmosphere Describes the feeling that a story expresses. This is often an adjective (Ex. Gloomy, dark, happy, etc.)
Foreshadowing Hints or clues of what is about to happen later in the story.
Symbol A concrete object that represents an idea.
Imagery Vivid description of the setting or characters, usually done with figurative language.
Characterization Refers to the development of the characters in the story: There are two (2) types. Flat/Static : A character in a story that only has one or two traits, and who does not evolve (change/develop) throughout the story. Multi-dimensional/Dynamic: A character in a story that has many different traits, and who goes through some type of change or evolution by the end.
Theme The overall message of the story. The theme is never described as just one word.
Conflict The tension between two opposing forces. There are four main types of conflict: Person vs. Person Person vs. Self Person vs. Nature/Environment Person vs. Society/Technology
Irony When the opposite of what is expected occurs. Often used for comic effect.
Dramatic Irony When the audience or reader knows something that the characters do not.