Social and Emotional Behavior Assessments


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Presentation transcript:

Social and Emotional Behavior Assessments By: Megan Soring & Nicole DiTullio

Social & Emotional Key Points: The appropriateness of social and emotional behavior is dependent on societal expectations. While some social and emotional problems students experience are apparent, others may be less easily observed. Students fail to behave in expected ways due to lack of coping skills; in other cases, students have the skills, but fail to demonstrate them in certain situations. An analysis of associated environmental variables can help to determine how best to intervene.

Ways to Assess Problem Behavior Interview Techniques Interviews are often used to gain information about the perspectives of various knowledgeable individuals as well as gain insight into a students overall thinking and behavior patterns. Situational Measures Peer Acceptance Nomination Scales and Sociometric Ranking Techniques provide an indication of an individual’s social status and can describe the attitude of a group toward the individual. Rating Scales Parent, teacher, peer or significant other will rate the extent to which a student shows desirable or undesirable behaviors.

Purpose for Assessing Problem Behavior Two major reasons for assessing problem behavior: Identification and classification Intervention

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Steps for Completing a FBA: Defining a behavior Identifying the conditions under which behavior is manifested (antecedents, setting and consequences) Developing a hypothesis about the function of the behavior Testing the hypothesized function of the behavior Developing a behavioral intervention plan

Behavior Assessment System for Children, 2nd Edition (BASC-2) BASC-2 is a multi-method, multidimensional system used to evaluate the behavior and self-perceptions of children and young adults aged 2 through 25 + years. BASC-2 is composed of five measures of behavior: Teacher Rating Scale (TRS) Parent Rating Scale (PRS) Self Report of Personality (SRP) Structured Developmental History (SDH) Student Observation System (SOS) BASC-2 can be used for clinical diagnosis, educational classification and program evaluation.

Behaviors Sampled for BASC-2 TRS-comprehensive measure of both adaptive and problem behaviors that children exhibit in school. PRS-comprehensive measure of a child’s adaptive and problem behavior exhibited in the community and home SRP-contains short statements that a student should mark either true or false OR provide a rating scale of “almost always” to “never.” SDH-is a broad-based development history developed to obtain information on social, psychological, developmental, educational, and medical history. SOS-is an observation tool used to facilitate diagnosis and monitoring intervention programs.

Scoring BASC-2 Can be hand or computer scored. Hand scored can be used for TRS, PRS, and SRP Raw scores are transferred to a summary table for each individual measure. The TRS produces three scores of clinical problems: Externalizing Problems, Internalizing Problems and School Problems. PRS provides the same information with the exception that School Problems are made into learning problems and study skills The SRP produces four composite scores: Inattention/Hyperactivity, Internalizing Problems, Personal Adjustment, and School Problems

Reliability of BASC-2 There are three types of reliability for the BASC-2: Internal Consistency Test-Retest Reliability Interrater Reliability

Validity of BASC-2 Items were selected for review from the original BASC and many were changed based on bias or reviews. Criterion-Related Validity Although there appears to be evidence of validity for using the BASC-2 in making diagnostic decisions, no evidence of validity for the purposes of program evaluation and treatment planning is provided.

Costs of BASC-2 $91.75 for the BASC-2 Manual $127.70 for the BASC-2 Examination Set (includes Manual, one hand-scored form of TRS, PRS, SRP, Parent Feedback Report, plus SDH and SOS, and Training Video) -$34.50 BASC-2 TRS, PRS, SRP (pkg. of 25) -$38 BASC-2 SOS (pkg. of 25)

Conclusion for BASC-2 Good evidence of reliability and validity is presented via analysis of standardization sample data and correlations with additional behavior rating scales.

Additional Information BASC-2

ASEBA Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Individualized norm assessment designed to measure quantitative and individualized descriptions to assess social and emotional functioning of clients Age ranges from 1 ½ to 90+

Key Points: Questionnaire assessment Targeted to identify children with behavioral problems GENDER is vital with scoring Parents and/or Guardians scores are usually different when scoring their own child

Today We’ll Look At: Child Behavioral Checklist Ages 1 ½ to 5 Ages 6 to 18 Youth Self Report Ages 11 to 18

Child Behavioral Checklist Ages 1 ½ to 5 Ages 6 to 18

CBC Ages 1 ½ to 5 Measures: Internalizing Externalizing Emotionally reactive, anxious, depressed, somatic complaints, withdrawn Externalizing Attention problems, aggressive behaviors, sleep issues

CBC Ages 6 to 18 Measures: Activities Socialization School Internalizing (Emotionally Reactive, Anxious, Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Withdrawn) Externalizing (Rule-Breaking Behavior, Attention Problems, Thought Problems Aggressive Behaviors, Social Problems)

Youth Self Report Ages 6-18 Measures: Activities Social Internalizing (Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Somatic Complaints) Externalizing (Rule-Breaking Behavior, Attention Problems, Thought Problems Aggressive Behaviors, Social Problems)

Each Test: 118 questionnaire Uses quantitative scores Scaled on 0-2 scale 0=Not true (as far as you know) 1=Somewhat true 2= Very true/often true

Strengths of the Tests Identifies problematic behaviors Scoring of the assessment helps mental health providers identify mental health disorders

Administering the Tests No specific guidelines Its based on no higher than a 5th grade level Administered in other languages if needed No time limit Given to both parents/guardians to complete form

Scoring of CBC and YSR 3 minutes to score online 15 minutes to hand score Uses 0-2 scale to chart a normal to clinical range of problematic behaviors LETS TAKE A LOOK!

Information Yielded/ Errors When scoring, if a question is left blank there will be a warning sign that pops up if it is done electronically If 20 questions or more are left blank the assessment is considered incomplete because blank results will come up on the charts of the scoring

Special Certification Master Level clinicians, social workers, psychiatrists, guidance counselors, psychologists and pediatricians Must fill out a user qualification form

Reliability for CBC and YSR “All ASEBA instruments report reliability in terms of test-retest correlation and changes in mean scores over a period of 1-2 weeks.” ( Psychiatrists in mental health organizations re-assess every 6 months to see progression or declination of behaviors

Validity of CBC and YSR “Provides data that supports content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity.” (

Costs: $25 for a packet of 50 tests $25 for the hand scoring evaluation $195 Ages 1 ½ to 5 starter kit, manual and module $295 Ages 6 to 18 starter kit, manual and module

What I feel… Tests show what parents know and don’t know about their children Helps identify problematic areas and triggers of behaviors Helps the child identify their problematic areas as well as their strengths

Additional Information ASEBA

Questions Any Questions?

Works Cited Salvia, Ysseldyke, Bolt Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education, 11th Edition. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2007.