Extra Credit Ideas Here are some good 3D Creative Projects
Sea Level and Streams
Features Associated with Subsurface Water
Cone of Depression
Groundwater Contamination
9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries – Part II
Oceanic-Continental Convergent Boundary
Oceanic-Oceanic Convergent Boundary
Continental-Continental Convergent Boundary
Collision of India and Asia
Transform Fault Boundary
Paleomagnetism Preserved in Lava Flows
Polarity of the Ocean Crust
Hot Spot
Causes of Plate Motion 9.5 Mechanisms of Plate Motion Mantle Convection Unequal distribution of heat within Earth causes thermal convection in the mantle that ultimately drives plate motion. masses of hotter-than-normal mantle material that ascend toward the surface, (leads to igneous activity).
Mantle Convection Models