Density Structure Surface Processes Temperature Salinity Pressure
Changes with Depth Density Pycnocline σt = density – 1000 kg/m3
Changes with Depth Temperature Thermocline Salinity Halocline
Changes with Depth Stable Unstable Density increases with depth Density decreases with depth Leads to overturn & mixing of water column
Fig. 9.20.a
Fig. 9.20.b
Fig. 9.20.c
The Layered Oceans Surface Intermediate Deep Bottom 0-200m 300-2000m
Pacific Ocean Layers difficult to distinguish No large source of deep water
Indian Ocean No deep water Fairly uniform mixture
Arctic Ocean Density controlled more by salinity Circulation confined to < 500m
Mediterranean Sea
Thermohaline Circulation Ocean radiator
Thermohaline Circulation Freshwater lid Very cold freshwater runoff at high latitudes Very low density does not sink Fjords and semi-enclosed bays
Global Currents
Fig. 9.25
Measuring the Currents Highly sophisticated equipment:
Measuring the Currents
Measuring the Currents Current Meters
Measuring the Currents Doppler current meter Emits sound of known frequency Measures frequency of returning echoes