Mommy, am I a bird or a bee? Mommy, am I..
Huh?? Are you a bird or a bee? What do you mean? Who told you, you were a bird or a bee? Mommy, today I overheard the other kids talking at recess about the birds and the bees and how we all got here.
At Recess Hey, do you know how babies are made? I heard my brother talking about it to his girlfriend Sarah Wow, really I wonder if I’m a bird ? I asked my brother to tell me how babies are made. He told me the story about the birds and the bees. He also told me that I was a bird. A bird … Or a bee?
Puzzled???? Sexually transmitted diseases Birth control Condoms Pregnancy Well, son its kind of complicated. The bird falls in love with the bee. Then, they have little babies birds and bees. Do you understand?
What will you say when your child comes to you asking about the birds and the bees?
Finding it hard to talk about sex? Children get curious and will ask questions. Don’t assume that they have not heard about sex from others. GET INVOLVED and BECOME INFORMED. Talk to your child. Need more information, visit my