A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) Implementing the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases Alastair Kent #raredisease
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) 2004 DG Sanco Rare Diseases Task Force 2008 Commission Communication on Rare Diseases 2009 Council of Ministers Recommendation Unanimous National plans of Strategies by Genetic Alliance UK establishes Rare Disease UK as a multi-stakeholder Campaign 2013 UK Strategy for Rare Diseases A Bit of History
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) 51 Commitments – 31 Health Related, 20 Research Empowering Patients and Families Identifying and Preventing Diagnosis and Early Intervention Coordination of Care The Role of Research First time RD patients and families can have clear expectation as to what to expect The UK Strategy
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) UK Strategy, Four Nations, Four NHSs Wales – Plan out for consultation, closing date 23/5/14 England – Statement of Intent published on 26/2/14. Includes rare diseases in review of specialised commissioning N. Ireland – Statement of Intent “imminent” Scotland – Consultation paper promised Implementation
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) A strategy without implementation is just fluff. But.....
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) Multi-stakeholder Patients Four Health Departments Four NHSs Public Health England Health Education England NIHR Royal Colleges Monitor Implementation and report to Ministers every two years. Deputy Chief Medical Officer appointed National Lead for Rare Diseases in England UK Rare Disease Forum
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) All stakeholders have a part to play A serious health issue rare diseases 1 in 17 affected 3.5 million across the UK Too important to leave it to “somebody else” A Shared Responsibility
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number ) Thank You Join the campaign – make progress irresistible
A charity registered in England and Wales (no ) and in Scotland (no. SC039299). A company Limited by Guarantee (Number )