PHP-language Variables, assingment and arithmetic operations Teppo Räisänen Principal Lecturer Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Business and Information Management
Variables Data prosessed by (web) application is stored into variables PHP-application is executed on web server -> variables are in the memory of the web server When you declare a variable, you don’t give datatype (but still variables do have datatype) -> PHP is so called loosely-typed programming language Basic datatypes: boolean, integer, floating point number and string
Declaring variables Variable declaring starts with $-character You invent the name for the variable Good practise is to give initial value Example: $age=0; $firstname=””; $isTrue=false;
Assignment (= operator) Assingment is used to store data into variable – User input – Result of an clause Examples. $age=24; $name=$_POST[”firstname”]; $total=$number1 + $number2; $fullname=$firstname. $surname;
Arithmetic operations +addition - subtraction / division * multiplication % remainder
Printing information with PHP echo, print ja printfprintf
Reading values from HTML-form using HTTP-post method