LEFT PAGE LEFT PAGE November 13 Title: Rock or Mineral Objective: Be able to explain the difference between a rock and a mineral Warm–Up : Put Your Knowledge to the Test Copy these words. Use the words to complete the six sentences that you will copy from on the next slide. luster, cleavage, fracture, dense, hardness, streak
1. When a mineral breaks smoothly, it is called ____________. 2. ___________ is when a mineral breaks into jagged pieces. 3. A mineral’s _____________ is its resistance to being scratched. 4. Hematite leaves a reddish powder when scratched along a surface; this powder is called _______________. 5. The particles in gold are more tightly packed than the particles in ice. Gold must be more ___________ than ice. 6. A mineral that is very shiny has a metallic ___________.
What is a Rock? Solid Naturally-occurring Mixture of minerals and other materials. Fill in your Guided notes
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? Rocks are mixtures of ONE or MORE minerals. Fill in your Guided notes
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? RocksMinerals
What is a Rock? Rocks are divided into 3 groups based on how they were formed: SEDIMENTARY IGNEOUS METAMORPHIC
Formed from sediments (rock fragments, mineral grains, animal & plant remains) that are pressed or cemented together. Fill in guided notes: –Pieces of rock and other materials get pressed together
Sedimentary Rock
SEDIMENTARY 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting COLOR THE ARROWS BROWN 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting
Once a rock is formed, does it stay the same rock forever? NO!
Rocks are continually changed by many processes, such as weathering, erosion, compaction, cementation, melting, and cooling Rocks can change to and from the three types
What is a Rock? Rocks are divided into 3 groups based on how they were formed: SEDIMENTARY IGNEOUS METAMORPHIC
“Ignis” = Latin for “fire” Formed from the cooling of either magma or lava The most abundant type of rock
IGNEOUS SEDIMENTARY 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening Color the igneous arrows RED
What is a Rock? Rocks are divided into 3 groups based on how they were formed: SEDIMENTARY IGNEOUS METAMORPHIC
Rocks that have changed due to intense heat and pressure “Meta” means “change” and morphosis means “form” in Greek Igneous, sedimentary and other metamorphic rocks can change to become metamorphic rocks
IGNEOUS SEDIMENTARY 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening METAMORPHIC Heat and Pressure
What is the process through which rocks change? The Rock Cycle —earth materials change back and forth among the different types of rocks in a never- ending cycle. Answer Question in guided notes
IGNEOUS SEDIMENTARY 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Weathering 2.Erosion 3.Compacting 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening 1.Melting 2.Cooling 3.Hardening METAMORPHIC Heat and Pressure
There is no set path a rock takes to become another kind of rock
How are rocks redistributed? The core, mantle, & crust are one giant rock recycling machine
Rocks Have Been Used For Many Years and For Many Things
A Rock’s Story Tell the story of a rock’s life cycle. Explain the rock cycle in your own words. Describe all the ways a rock can change. Your answer should include: –The 3 types of rocks –The way each type of rock is formed –How one type of rock can change into another. You may include pictures when you have finished your story