The U.S. in Latin America Teddy the Hero As a result of SPAM, TR was now a war hero Becomes president in 1901 Wants to build a canal through the isthmus of Panama
Think “Christmas” without the “chr” Isthmus: narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land – Panama was ideal – Only 50 miles of land separated the Caribbean Sea & Pacific Ocean
The Plan A canal would HUGELY benefit U.S. trade – Cutting a path would avoid a long trip around S. America (think NY to SF) – Shorter sailing distance = smaller cost of shipping goods
The Plan A canal would HUGELY benefit military capabilities - In the event of war, navy could quickly move ships between Pacific & Atlantic - They could save resources by centralizing their efforts
The Problem Columbia owned the isthmus of Panama Panamanians wanted to break free from the rule of Columbia (think Spanish rule) We offer $10 million cash PLUS $250,000 yearly rent for a strip of land across Panama
The Canal Zone Columbia refuses, TR is fired up! “I don’t think the lot of jack rabbits should be allowed permanently to bar one for the future highways of civilization”
Remember…TR is a fan of African culture African proverb: “Speak softly & carry a big stick, & you will go far” What does this mean?!
November- U.S. warship Nashville drops anchor at Panama (the expansionist???)
The next day, U.S. troops intervene as Panamanians rebel against Columbian rule – U.S. stops Columbians from crushing revolt – Panama declares itself independent
– U.S. recognizes the new nation at once – In effect Panama agrees to let U.S. build a canal on terms similar to those it had offered to Columbia
Building the Canal Disease Panama – “mosquito paradise” – tropical heat, heavy rain, thick swamps = hard to build canal – Malaria & yellow fever carried by mosquitos
Building the Canal Dig 40,000 workers dug the canal Obstacles – mountains, artificial lakes, gigantic locks 1914 = first steamship traveled through the Panama Canal /howitworks/como-funcion.html /howitworks/como-funcion.html
Perks Helped trade for many nations We now nudged our way into intervening in Latin America –..Latin American nations now become angry that a new imperial power was in charge: America
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