What is a Philosophy?
Agricultural Education: What is your Philosophy?
Historically, Agricultural Education has been... Comprehensive in coverage Scientific in method Practical in impact and focus
A Comprehensive Agricultural Education Program is Balanced It includes... Classroom & Laboratory Instruction Youth Leadership Development - FFA Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Programs
All three program components should involve “hands-on”/ ”minds-on” learning experiences for students.
Classroom and laboratory instruction in Agricultural Education in Oklahoma includes five major areas of study: Animal Science Plant Science/ Agronomy/Natural Resources/Horticulture Ag Power & Technology Marketing/Agribusiness Ag Communications
The FFA Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) SAE programs are teacher-supervised, individualized, hands-on, student developed projects that give students real-world experience in agriculture and/or agriculture related areas. (Taken from the Oklahoma CareerTech Agricultural Education Web site.)
“Quality” SAE Programs are… Curriculum-based Student-managed Well planned and comprehensive Documented (records and other important data are kept systematically) Designed so that students can be recognized for their accomplishments
What does the future hold?
National Vision Agricultural education envisions a world where all people value and understand the vital role of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources systems in advancing personal and global well-being. (Think “Agricultural Literacy”)
National Mission Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informal choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems. (Think “lifelong learning.”)
Again, a Balanced Agricultural Education Program is the Key!! It includes... Classroom & Laboratory Instruction Youth Leadership Development - FFA Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Programs
Now, what is your philosophy of Agricultural Education?