Every Child is a Perfect Fit Inclusion in Early Learning Michelle MacKinnon Early Learning Coordinator Holy Spirit Catholic Schools
It is not about the child being ready for early learning programming. It is about the program being ready for the child.
Format of Program Delivery Specialized Supports Targeted Supports Universal Supports
Environmental Supports
Program Staffing Program Leader PUF Assistants Speech-Language Assistants
Environmental Supports Visual Schedules Physical design Peer Support Availability of low-tech adapted equipment Play Based Program Language Centre
Environmental Supports Professional Development
Community and in-house professional development opportunities Learning Language and Loving It Research-based, developmental approach to promoting children’s social, language, and literacy development within every day activities
Skills gained through Learning Language and Loving It Being a responsive partner Using comments and questions that develop vocabulary Encouraging interaction in group settings Facilitating play with peers Identifying conversation styles and stages of language development Following the child’s lead Scaffolding the child’s interactions
Team Approach
Because we are working as a team, all staff are aware of program goals and can make every moment count.
Team Approach Philosophy
A developmentally appropriate play-based learning environment where all children are welcome and achieve their potential.
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