DENT 1200 Dental Materials I L2 Glass Ionomer
1. 4 Types and Uses Type I- perm luting prosth and ortho Type II- perm restoration Type III- liner and bonding Type IV- metal modified, build up
2. Composition Powder- zinc oxide, aluminum oxide, calcium, F ( If metal modified- add silver and tin to powder) NO MERCURY Liquid-acrylic acid and other acids polyacrylic acid- can be used in place of conditioner to remove smear layer
3. Forms P&L 2 Paste Capsule Perm rest=capsule
4. Advantages & Disadvantages of GI Bond to enamel Strong in thin layer Less soluble TOOTH DOES NOT HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY DRY Irritating to gingival tissue cost
5. Mix, Place, Post op Activate capsule Triturate capsule for 10 sec Place capsule in applicator- click 3 times Pass to DR Post op- be careful if numb, may be sensitive to temp (cold)
Cost? $4/ea
Vocab Core build up- put GI in tooth before crown prep because not enough tooth is left to cement a crown onto
Undercut-mechanical retention Not needed with composite or GI
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