George’s Seeds Never Germinated
What is the problem? There are 24 students in Mrs. Earle’s classroom. For a science lab, each student planted bean seeds. Each day they logged their observations, and measured their results. At the end of nine days, George, a struggling student, has no plant showing.
Define the Problem It’s been nine days since George planted his seeds and it hasn’t germinated. Turn to your partner, or small group and write a statement that states the problem.
Where is the evidence? Click the movie reel to watch a video clip with real seeds germinating.
Day nine- George Suzie Q
Everyone planted the same seed? Everyone planted their seed on the same day. These are variables that were the same for each student. What are the other variables that should have been the same?
Plant Care Click on the movie reel to listen about plant care from Tim and Moby
Discuss with your partner, or small group what each student should have done to make sure their plant seed germinated.
What are the causes? With your partner, or small group members write down questions you would like to ask George in an interview to determine the cause.