Stretching Yourself to Reach Greater Heights in Affinity Groups Organizing Support for GOLD Groups From Industry Dr. Tuptim Angkaew 15 th July 2006 IEEE Region 10 GOLD Congress 2006 High-tech Mansion, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication
Topics l Why we focus on GOLD member ? l What categories of activity are relevant to GOLD member ? l How can we stretch our ability to reach high level accomplishment in GOLD AF? l Leadership in GOLD Affinity Group
Why we focus on GOLD member ?
l Appreciation of being IEEE member can initiate at entry level of EE career. l Increasing in GOLD member make a healthy mix of ages and new synergies to the IEEE. l The successful in career development of GOLD member brings prosperity to IEEE. l Networking in IEEE can leverage smooth transition from engineering student to young professional engineer or senior engineer.
Requirements for Success in EE Career l All Engineers need to be independent learners l Career Planning is Key – 1, 3, 5, 10 years l Career Transitions (Career Shift) l Relocation – go where the jobs are l Execution Focus & Value Added l Need to think like a business person not an employee
How to meet successful requirements Things that CAN be controlled l Establish his/her personal objectives l Know his/her ability and talent! l Know his/her Employer l Focus on Accomplishments l Keep knowledge base up to date l Maintain your networking contacts Material Courtesy H. Gregor
“The EEs who survive and thrive are those who figure out what kind of work can only be done here and then pursue that kind of work” Nick Corcodilos,
The keyword for GOLD is “to have a successful career development”
What categories of activity are relevant to GOLD member ? Let see typical answer in next page
What categories of activity are relevant to GOLD member ? l Networking & Social Meeting l Mentoring l Soft-skills Training l Engagement in Life-long Learning System l Young Professional Engineer Development l and more …
Networking & Social Meeting l Volunteering in GOLD Activities l Participating in IEEE Events l Joining GOLD Program Offered by GOLD AF
Soft-skills Training l Leadership Training l Negotiation Skills Training l Communication Skills Training l Management Skills Training l Team Building Skills Training l Multicultural Working Skills Training l Business Skills Training l Ethics
Can GOLD AF arrange such relevant activities ? Yes Yes, but not all. Yes, but it is hard to do. No
For whom who says ‘Yes, but …’ or ‘No’, do we have to think about accomplishment of GOLD AF?
How can we stretch our ability to reach high level accomplishment ? l Ask for sponsors Section, Regional GOLD Coordinator. Boss or CEO of your company. Senior IEEE member. Professors in academia. Professional engineers in industry. l Raise fund by volunteers in GOLD AF l Gathering a mixture of volunteers with a wide range of capabilities. l Set up a training system for GOLD leader who is able to get people to want to do things he or she wants done.
Leadership in GOLD Affinity Group
What Is Leadership? And Do We Really Need It ? l Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something that you are convinced should be done – From Vance Packard l If no one is following you, then you aren’t a leader. l What motivates people ? l People are motivated to satisfy their needs. l Leadership is above all else, an INFLUENCE process.
The Leader’s Job l The leader’s objective is to execute a plan in the pursuit of a specific goal l In the execution process by leader, there is the motivation aspect as well. l One of the strong needs that all volunteers have is to be approved by the others – especially by their leader. l So one of act that is more important to leader than anything is to show followers that they are appreciated.
We want to be appreciated in proportion to our contribution, from the person or organization in charge. Leader should not miss this point !
Leadership Styles l Are leaders born or made ? l Research indicates the are made. l Leadership is behavior. l The research showed that there are two important dimension in leader’s behavior. One called “task” behavior and the other called “relationship” behavior.
Hersey and Blanchard Leadership Styles 3 Participative 2 Consultative 4 Delegative 1 Directive HighLow Supportive High Focus on task Focus on relationship
Leaders should ask two questions ? l Can the person can do the job ? l Will he/she take responsibility for it ? Can ?Will ? Appropriate Leadership Style No Directive NoYesConsultative YesNoParticipative Yes Delegative
What Leaders Actually Do? l When you are leading people and it is working, what are you doing ? l From the survey reported by many effective leaders, they called these “VIP”. l VIP stands for Vision, Involvement, and Persistence.
Leadership Practices – Kouzes & Posner’s Leadership Practices Challenging the process 1. Search for opportunities 2. Experiment and task risks Inspiring a share vision 3. Envision the future 4. Enlist others Enabling others to act 5. Foster collaboration 6. Strengthen others Modeling the way 7. Set example 8. Plan small wins Encouraging the heart 9. Recognize individual contribution 10. Celebrate accomplishments