Title (pt. 40) Presenter’s name 1 in collaboration with: Name 2, Name 1 under the direction of: Prof. Tim A. Osswald 1 1 Polymer Engineering Center University.


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Presentation transcript:

Title (pt. 40) Presenter’s name 1 in collaboration with: Name 2, Name 1 under the direction of: Prof. Tim A. Osswald 1 1 Polymer Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 Department / Division Institution / Company

Use this template for presentations of projects conducted in the Polymer Engineering Center. Use Helvetica font for text. Avoid significant font size variations. When possible, limit the colors of text to Black, Red and Blue. When possible, avoid the use of animation tools (transitions, text, images). Don't overwhelm the audience by adding too many plots, figures or text to a slide. Title Subtitle

Make sure the presentation follows a logical or chronological sequence. When referring to software or equipment, include full name (i.e. COMSOL Multiphysics ®). For conferences, include S.I. units in plots and tables. Set videos to start automatically. Avoid the use of figures and photos downloaded from the internet. If you do, include a reference. Always prepare a conclusions slide. *Rule of thumb: 1 minute per slide. Title Subtitle

Plots (Osswald, 2012) Reference (Name, year) Units go on the scale Visible scales Use different types of markers. If you choose to use colored lines, avoid colors that are difficult to distinguish. Include labels and/or legends Use scientific notation when needed (1x10 3 instead of 1E3).

Figures Courtesy of blank Include courtesy when necessary Include scale Check on resolution of image. Avoid pixelated images.

Equations When possible, use plots to support equations Energy equation Equation title. Include reference when necessary.

Tables Use reasonable significant digits Include units Centered vertical alignment When possible, avoid the use of tables for numerical results. Use plots instead.

Prepare an acknowledgements slide when necessary. Do not acknowledge co-authors. When acknowledging companies, include the division/department. Acknowledgements Guidelines prepared by: W. Aquite, 2014