Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Quality and Safety Jonathan Wells Head of Practice Governance July 2010
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 1. Integrated Governance 2. Quality 3. Safety 4. Service User and Carer Experience 5. Practice Governance
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 1. Integrated Governance Board Assurance through: Integrated Governance Committee 4 sub-groups: Service User and Carer Experience Quality and Best Value Risk Management and Patient Safety Workforce and Organisational Development
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust External Assurance through: Care Quality Commission Outcome Measures Commissioners (Joint Commissioning Partnership Board) Monitor Governors and Members Quality Account NHS Litigation Authority standards Others
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 2.Quality National audits and accreditations (The Causeway) Inter-agency audits (eg. safeguarding adults) Trust Clinical Effectiveness Programme NICE and other benchmarking tools Research and Development (eg. Whole Life approach) Health of the Nation Outcomes Scales, recovery question
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 3.Safety Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Learning from Incidents Programmes re types of incident – eg.falls,physical assaults Safety of staff (national staff survey) Safety of inpatients
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 4.Service User and Carer Experience National Surveys Alliance Survey Having Your Say (carers, easy read) Patient Experience Trackers Complaints and compliments Other approaches to enable staff to understand the importance of learning from service users and carers
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 5.Practice Governance Do teams know how well they are doing? They are helped to do so through: Practice governance leads Practice governance meetings Performance dashboards (linked to quality account measures etc.) Trend reports (eg incidents, complaints) Learning notes Trust space, e-mag Sharing Good Practice Conference
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Please contact me if you would like to know more;