Interventional Radiology Radiology has provoked from providing purely diagnostic information to therapy, offering effective alternatives in the Rx.
Percutaneous Biopsy Fuoroscopy. Fuoroscopy. US guided biopsy US guided biopsy CT guidance CT guidance
Drainage of abscesses and Fluid collections Almost any fluid collection in the chest, abdomen or pelvis may be considered for percutanous catheter drainage, which has largely replaced surgery as the initial treatment of choice. Almost any fluid collection in the chest, abdomen or pelvis may be considered for percutanous catheter drainage, which has largely replaced surgery as the initial treatment of choice.
Percut. Biliary drainag Through PTC…….options Through PTC…….options - Balloon dilatation. - Simple external drainage. - Internal/external drainage. - Stent insertion (plastic or expanding metal)
Transjugular intra-hepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) Percut. creation of a communication bet. the portal & hepatic venous systems for the relief of portal hypertension. It is an alternative to surgery in patients with recurrent variceal bleeding who are resistant to sclerotherapy or endoscopic banding. Percut. creation of a communication bet. the portal & hepatic venous systems for the relief of portal hypertension. It is an alternative to surgery in patients with recurrent variceal bleeding who are resistant to sclerotherapy or endoscopic banding.
PERCUT. RENAL INTERVENTION Percut. nephrostomy: Percut. nephrostomy: The most common indication is relief of urinary obst. to preseve renal function or to allow successful treatment of infection. The most common indication is relief of urinary obst. to preseve renal function or to allow successful treatment of infection. The procedure is usually best performed under combined US & fluoroscopic control. The procedure is usually best performed under combined US & fluoroscopic control.
PERCUT. RENAL INTERVENTION Antegrade ureteric stent insertion Antegrade ureteric stent insertion
INTERVENTIONAL VASCULAR TECHNIQUES A wide range of interv,. vascular techniques has developed from basic angiographic principles and has a profound impact on many aspects of medicine & surgery.
Interv. Vascul. techniques Percut. transluminal angioplasty: Percut. transluminal angioplasty: A deflated balloon is inserted through a guidewire into a stenosis or occlusion & then inflated. A deflated balloon is inserted through a guidewire into a stenosis or occlusion & then inflated. Vascular stenting: Vascular stenting: For osteal renal artery stenosis stents have been shown to be superior to balloon angioplasty alone. For osteal renal artery stenosis stents have been shown to be superior to balloon angioplasty alone.
Intervent. Vascular Techniques..cont. Intravascular thrombolysis: Intravascular thrombolysis: Thrombolytic agents can be used to treat thrombo-embolic dis. Thrombolytic agents can be used to treat thrombo-embolic dis. IVC filters: IVC filters: In pat. with contraindication to, or recurent emboli despite anticoagulation. In pat. with contraindication to, or recurent emboli despite anticoagulation. Therapeutic embolisation: Therapeutic embolisation: Vacular tumors. Vacular tumors. AVM AVM