1 NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #35 meeting October 18, 2002 Stu Goldman – NIIF Moderator
2 NIIF Leadership
3 Meetings Held from August 29, 2002 to October 18, 2002 NRRIC Conference Calls September 18, NRRIC Agenda Setting Conference Call for NRRIC #19 September 24, NRRIC Issue #0210, Embedded Wireless NPA-NXX Codes using Incumbent LEC's OCN Conference Call October 3, NRRIC Issue #183, V&H Inconsistencies in RDBS and CLONES Due to Rounding Conference Call NRRIC #36, October 14-15, 2002 NIOC #36, October 16-17, 2002
4 Key Initiatives NIOC –Roaming Wireless Call Difficulties –HPC Call treatment (GETS) –Mobile Toll Free Calling –ATM Interconnection Document –JIP NRRIC –V&H Inconsistencies in RDBS, CLONES and NECA –Embedded Wireless NPA-NXX Codes –NGN Data Entries Into BIRRDS –Substantive Updates to NIIF-0015, Educational Document –T1M1.3 Interconnection Location Entity –Routing to International Satellite Network
5 Correspondence Received –Correspondence from OBF to NRRIC regarding Draft Standard on Interconnection Location Entity (ILE) – Dated 09/06/02 –Correspondence from T1M1 to OBF regarding ILE - OBF Reference Number – Dated 09/23/02 –Correspondence from T1M1 to OBF regarding Proposed Changes for T1.251 and synchronization with NIIF/NRRIC Issue #210– Dated 09/23/02
6 Correspondence Sent –Response to T1M1 regarding proposed changes for T1.251 and synchronization with NIIF/NRRIC Issues #210 – Dated 10/01/02 –Response to T1M1 regarding proposed changes for T1.251 and synchronization with NIIF Issue #210 – Dated 10/21/02 –Response to T1M1 regarding T1M1's invitation for the NIIF/NRRIC to attend a joint meeting with T1M1 and OBF-ISOP – Dated 10/21/02
7 NIIF New Issues Issue #0216: Definition of NGN Data Entries into BIRRDS Issue #0217: Routing IDDD Calls Within
8 NIIF Issues in Initial Closure Issue #0201: Modify NRRIC Education Document to Strongly Encourage Full Industry Participation in FCC NECA Tariff No. 4 Issue #0204: Installation ASPC Guideline Clarifications Issue #0213: Standard Publication References for Emergency Number Access Code Issue #0214: Ineffective Trouble Reporting Increases Trouble Clearing Time
9 NIIF Issues Placed in Final Closure at NIIF #36 N/A
10 NIIF Issues Over 12 months NIOC, Issue #132, Development of NIIF ATM SVC Interconnection/Interoperability Document, was accepted on 11/18/98 at NIIF 14. On May 11, 2000 at NIIF 23, it was tabled until an actual interconnection issue could be identified. At NIIF 31 on December 3, 2001, it was returned to active status. Verizon provided a presentation on ATM SVC Interconnection for NIOC #35. As a result, potential interconnection issues were identified and are being researched by the Committee. NRRIC, Issue #0138, Switch ID Not in CLONES, has been open over 12 months and the NRRIC is actively working towards implementing changes with COMMON LANGUAGE® to develop a real-time interface between RDBS and CLONES, which will resolve this issue.
11 NIIF Issues Over 12 months NRRIC, Issue #0183, “V&H Inconsistencies in RDBS and CLONES Due to Rounding”, was accepted 2/13/01 at NIIF #27, and the NRRIC is actively working towards establishing a consistent rule for rounding V&H coordinate data when the data is automatically populated in RDBS in resolution of the issue. NIOC, Issue #0186, “Processing of Calling Party Category Parameters at Gateways”, was accepted on 2/13/01 at NIIF #27. The NIOC is actively working to ensure that the NIIF documentation provides carriers adequate guidance regarding the processing of the CPC parameters at ANSI to ANSI and ANSI to ITU-T gateways.
12 NIIF Issues Over 12 months NRRIC, Issue #0197: NIIF Interconnection Template”, was accepted 10/08/01 at NIIF #30. The NRRIC is actively working towards reviewing the NIIF Interconnection Template. A conference call is scheduled on November 13, 2002 to address the NIIF Interconnection Template Sections in the Interconnection Template Document
13 Other Issue Activity Work with Bell Mobility - Canada on Mobile Toll Free Calling Ongoing work to obtain updates to NIIF Contact Lists Status of IAM POTS=0 requested from wireless industry
14 Identified Concerns Bringing New Technology Issues and SMEs into the Forum Travel Restrictions More Use of Technology Such as Placeware and Mail Exploder to Further the Work in the New Environment, Larger Participation Opportunity No reports from NRIC or NRSC
15 Future Interim Meetings General Session Conference Calls – N/A NIOC Conference Calls – N/A NRRIC Conference Calls November 12, 2002 – Full NRRIC Conference Call to report on the activity at T1M1.3 in November 2002 November 13, 2002 – Full NRRIC Conference Call to address the NIIF Interconnection Template Sections in the Interconnection Template Document November 14, 2002 – Issue #206, Substantive Changes to NIIF-0015, Intercompany Responsibilities Within the Telecommunications Industry TBA – Issue #0216, Definition of NGN Data Entries into BIRRDS TBA – Issue #0217, Routing IDDD Calls Within
16 Next NIIF Meeting NIIF #37 Meeting – Las Vegas, NV –Hosted by Verizon Wireless –January 13-17, 2003 –Committees Meeting During NIIF #37 NRRIC NIOC General Session
Meeting Schedule NIIF #37/NRRIC #20 January 13-17, st choiceLas Vegas, NV Verizon Wireless Host *NIIF #38 April 7-11, 2003Location TBD NIIF #39/NRRIC #21 June 9-13, st choiceVancouver, Canada SAIC Host 2 nd choice Ottawa, Canada SAIC Host *NIIF #40 August 11-15, 2003Location TBD NIIF #41/NRRIC #22 October 20-24, st choiceNew Orleans, LA Bell South Host 2 nd choiceSan Antonio, TX SBC Host 3 rd choiceMaui, Hawaii *NRRIC will not meet during these scheduled meetings. The meetings will be virtual meetings.