Data Files Structure LAT Volvo/LAT Lab Is there an additional level of data necessary (Volvo proposal)?
Data Submission Progress I February 2003 LD: EMPA HD: VTT, AVL, TUG First release of test data We received nothing March 2003 LD: Shell HD: Volvo, TUG, MTC Second release of test data We received nothing April 2003 First release of Consolidated Test Data LD: MTC, IFP, LAT Third release of test data We received HD from VTT, AVL May 2003 Second release of Consolidated Data (May, 9) LD: Inrets HD: Volvo (addit.) Final release of test data (wk 21 – May 23) End of May: Cut-off of data submission
Data Submission Progress II However things are not as bad as the previous slide indicated. We are in contact with most of the partners and we know what the situation is Status of progress AVL: already sent 1 st release VTT: already sent 1 st release TUG: in progress: work on files VOLVO: done w. measurements, work on files LAT: Still measuring and producing files EMPA: done w. measurements, work on files Shell: diesels done, complete gas. by end of May, working with files MTC: work on files? IFP: ? INRETS, AEAT
Steps Ahead Individual labs: Send any data by May, 9. FINAL DATE FOR SUBMISSION REMAINS MAY, 30. Drafts of lab reports should be ready by May, 30. Co-ordinator: Prepare database (1 st consolidated data version) and circulate it immediately (May, 12).
Consolidated Data Evaluation Focal points (Concawe, Volvo, TUT, EMPA) receive: 1st consolidated version (CV) May, 12 2nd CV June, 6 Key elements of evaluation: 1. Confirmation of adequacy of QA/QC (Concawe, Volvo). Wet/dry branch comparisons (TUT). 2. Identification of outliers (Concawe, Volvo) 3. Statistical evaluation (2 nd CV) 4. Follow-up based on 1, 2 (LAT) Indicative evaluation by May, 30 (1 st CV). Final evaluation by June, 30 (2 nd CV). Definition of standardised representation of consolidated data for D11-D14 by May, 30. (LWA)
Final Report Structure Introduction Health effects One Chapter per Deliverable D2: Instruments D3: Sampling D7: Road-side measurements D8: Non-exhaust D11: Current vehicles D13: “Anticipated” technologies D12: Off-cycle D14: Fuel effects Validation of measurements (Ford) D15: Relevance of current PM emission standards and further aspects Summary & Conclusions 1 st draft by July 15 latest to LWA/LAT
Which are the main (unanswered) relevant questions in the scientific community? Sampling CVS MDSs Practices / Recommendations PMP-Relevant Questions Where do we go from mass How much can mass measurement be improved Which are alternative particle properties Number Size Surface Chemistry Relevance of nuclei mode Is it necessary to measure Can it be measured accurately with repeatability Is it an artefact with no relevance to the atmosphere