Of Mice and Music Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act By Katharyn Daniel All presentation sources are used in accordance with the Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines and are not for copying and pasting by other users.
Outline Who was Sonny Bono and why is this act named for him? What else is this act called? When was this act conceived and when was it passed? What did this act do? Who was opposed to the Act and why? Challenges to the act- and why they failed What’s our verdict?
Who was Sonny Bono and why is this act named for him?
What else is this act called? Mickey Mouse Protection Act CTEA, Copyright Term Extension Act S.505 [105 th Congress]
When was this act conceived and when was it passed? Initial push for legislation came years earlier Signed into law on October 27, 1998
What did this act do?
Who was opposed to the Act and why? Copyright and intellectual property law professors led by Dennis Karjala online publishers librarians “Free Mickey Mouse!” Public Domain=Constitutional right!
Challenges to the act- and why they failed
What’s our verdict? Who agrees with CTEA? The importance of this Act to us.
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Posner, R.A. (2004). The Constitutionality of the Copyright Term Extension Act: Economics, Politics, Law, and Judicial Technique in Eldred v. Ashcroft. University of Chicago. Simpson, C. (2010). Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, 5thed. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC. Sonny Bono Biography. (2011). A&E Television Networks. Retrieved October 24, 2011 from Tin Pan Alley: ( ). Retrieved October 17, 2011 from US Government. (1998). Copyright Term Extension Act. Retrieved September 12, 2011 from Van Borm, J. The Long Tail: Copyright and Libraries. Liber Quarterly 19 (2), December ISSN: p. 122–130. Retrieved October 20, 2011 from Van Horn, R. (2002). The Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Other Egregious Laws. Technology. EBSCO Publishing. References Continued
Image References Anti-Mickey Eternal Copyright image. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from 1/08/18/the-1978-albums-of-billy-joel-bruce-springsteen-the-eagles-the- doobie-brothers-and-copyright-termination-rights.aspx Ballot Box images. Microsoft Clip Art. Bono Headshot image. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from Bono Intro Slide image. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from 1hr/ Copyright Chart image. Retrieved September 12, 2011 from Eldred Cartoon image. Retrieved October 17, 2011 from
Image References continued Mary Bono Mack image. Retrieved October 24, 2011 from Mickey background image. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from Sonny and Cher Album image. Retrieved September 25, 2011 from ital_45].aspx Sonny Bono Grave image. Retrieved October 24, 2011 from Steamboat Willie image. Retrieved September 16, 2011 from Tin Pan Alley plaque image. Retrieved October 24, 2011 from Top Hat Mickey image. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from
Music Reference Bono, S. (1965). The Revolution Kind. Legal digital copy purchased through Amazon.com and in the possession of PowerPoint author.