Can higher producer prices help revitalize the cotton production in Benin Epiphane Adjovi Director CAPOD UNCTAD Virtual Institute Seminar on Trade and Poverty September 2014 Geneva, Switzerland
Cotton : a strategic crop for the agricultural sector The most important cash crop for farmers Many other agricultural and non agricultural activities are related to cotton Source of export revenue for the government But several constrain to the sector Unfavorable international environment and markets Farmers complain about the low producer price and late payment Low yield and poor management of the sector discouraged producers Higher poverty among cotton farmers The problem of cotton in Benin
What to do? Contribution of all actors in the development of the cotton sector Social responsibility of the government in the context of limited resources and International conjuncture Invest in research, infrastructure, access to input and credit. Bring in progressively and strengthen the private sector in a PPP model Reforms in the management of the sector Pursuit of the diversification of the economy
Researcher/Policy maker cooperation : comments Research and policy decision: bidirectional relations Ex-ante and ex-post research to support and evaluate policies But useful research by academics need to have policy orientations Opportunities and challenges Cooperation Policy makers/Researchers to address the gap Challenges : communication Application : Political considerations and Unobserved factors at play Experiences of CAPOD : a research institution for better policy decision making