Drone Market Analysis August 2015
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Outline Market Size Growth Sectors Industry Dynamics Market Dynamics Why Invest? Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Market Size Civilian Defence Defence CAGR 5% Civilian Market Size 2015 $500m 2022 $3bn Civilian CAGR 19% Source: Business Insider Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Drone Growth Sectors Film Production Agriculture Real Estate Mining Utilities News Media Construction Energy Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Drone Industry Dynamics is still very young Major Investments have started Large industrial conglomerates Chip companies Defence contractors Technology barriers present a huge business opportunity Many early drone manufacturers are emerging outside of the US market Swiss Swedish Chinese Korean Canadian Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Drone Market Dynamics Civilian Market is evolving rapidly has its own dynamics Military drone manufacturers do NOT have a natural advantage in civilian market Package Delivery will take longer to evolve E-commerce will not be an early focus of the drone industry Proposed US regulation Is expected to END the BAN on commercial drone flights would allow low-altitude flights of small drones within view of a ground-based pilot The rules are unlikely to be finalized before early 2017 heavily restricted commercial UAV flights will become routine sometime in 2015 Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Why Invest in Drones? Companies High growth sector with significant upside potential Companies investing now will reap the benefits in medium term Investing in creating a department creates controllable , organic growth Value for future University Research Drone Industry is high growth, research projects on drones Will impact Research Ranking positively Contribute significantly to University World Ranking Drone research is essential to enable specialist applications Research will help local industry University Teaching There is a call for Drone Engineers, Pilots, Technicians Specialist drone courses will thrive Train next generation of drone experts, technicians, pilots Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Why Invest in Drones? Companies High growth sector with significant upside potential Companies investing now will reap the benefits in medium term Investing in creating a department creates controllable , organic growth Value for future University Research Drone Industry is high growth, research projects on drones Will impact Research Ranking positively Contribute significantly to University World Ranking Drone research is essential to enable specialist applications Research will help local industry University Teaching There is a call for Drone Engineers, Pilots, Technicians Specialist drone courses will thrive Train next generation of drone experts, technicians, pilots Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Would you like to receive up to date news on civilian drones? Join or Newsletter ! We promise not to send you emails more than twice a month Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016