Goals for Ecofinance Compatible with steady state economy (no growth in throughput) Cannot require continuous exponential growth or liquidation of NK Must finance most important investments Green technology Ecological restoration Public goods Eliminate speculation Seigniorage for public sector, not banks Countercyclical, stabilizing Cannot promote short term thinking
Current System
Vertical money Gov’t forces us to pay taxes; we must accept money or go to jail Our economic production backs money supply Gov’t spending limited only by biophysical constraints
Horizontal Money & Industrial Capitalism If central bank (CB) targets interest rate, no limit to lending; If CB enforces fractional reserve, firms use commercial paper (higher interest) Where do i (interest) and p (profit) come from? More loans or more vertical money required. ECONOMIC GROWTH What if p<i? Must liquidate assets, including NK Procyclical system
What do people invest in (USA)? ~$14 trillion in mortgages Economist: The repurchase revolution “Companies have been gobbling up their own shares at an exceptional rate.” “Since interest paid on debt is tax-deductible, whereas interest earned on cash is taxable, by increasing its net debt to finance buy-backs or dividends, a firm cuts its tax bill.” Major buybacks in NYT THIS WEEK: Google, Whole Foods, Visa, Alston, KKR, CVS, Samsung, IBM NYT: Record margin debt poses risk for bull market “The amount of money investors borrowed from Wall Street brokers to buy stocks rose for a seventh straight month in January to a record $451.3 billion” Most money is borrowed to buy existing assets, not to create new wealth
Actual system: Financial Capitalism and Asset Inflation NYT: Despite Drop in Commodity Prices, Farmland Values Rise Inflating asset prices outcompete returns on real investment Credit availability determines asset prices Financial sector captures all rent
Interest Bearing Debt in US
Growth and Inequality or Collapse Debt is 360% of GDP and growing faster than GDP 5% interest? 18% of GDP? Credit market debt, net of gov’t
Current System: Financial Capitalism & Asset Inflation Bubble busts, asset sales make prices plunge; banks capture assets, stop issuing new money Industrial economy (Hedge investors) must also collapse
Re-inflating Bubbles: interest rates and QE
Desired System
Ecofinance: Vertical money finances needed investments; tax pollution, extraction, rent
100% fractional reserve
100% Reserve Demand deposits Money belongs to investor, not bank Can’t be loaned Investor pays bank Investment accounts Time deposits Loaned at interest: Bank is intermediary between borrowers and lenders At risk: no insurance Banks accounts Banks own money Loaned at interest
Transition Gov’t time deposits (huge creation of vertical money) to back current loans Interest payments to gov’t and withdrawals reduce money supply for private sector, free up biophysical space for gov’t spending i.e. reallocate between investments in private and public goods Requires controls on shadow banking, commercial paper
Advantages Countercyclical Restores gov’t control over interest rates