Structuring of work related competences in Chemical Engineering STRENGTH Leonardo da Vinci ToI Project 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-66726 RESULT 8 STRENGTH Dissemination.


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Presentation transcript:

Structuring of work related competences in Chemical Engineering STRENGTH Leonardo da Vinci ToI Project ES1-LEO RESULT 8 STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation 2013

RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation ES1-LEO The goal: to implement project objectives and assure their sustainability through optimization of results/outcomes value and enhancement of their impact and integration into National / EU VET systems. The Dissemination & exploitation strategy and the corresponding valorisation plan is developed by project partners and is revised/upgraded during the project lifespan in order to enforce the optimal use of its deliverables. In this way they are implemented in training systems and practices at local/national/EU level. The strategy is exploited by all partners who perform project activities and build up broad platform for assessment and exploitation of project results as well as create favorable conditions for durable and sustainable post-project development.

Valorisation at project commencement Creation of dissemination programme and plan Assembly of project main stakeholders group Specification of project products beneficiaries Specification of Intra-project valorisation responsibilities Valorisation during project advancement Determination of project essentials influenced by valorisation Specification and issue of basic dissemination materials Arrangement and exploitation of main dissemination channels Spreading out of information, paper-based materials; organization and performance of workshops The valorisation encompasses whole project duration : ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

Valorisation during project testing phase Bench-testing of project results Establishment of contacts with educational authorities for future recognition/validation of project results Post-project valorisation Maintenance of project web-site Distribution of information/materials The valorisation encompasses whole project duration : ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

The valorisation check list: ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

Basic dissemination brochure: ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation The key themes: Purpose and needs for the project State of art and challenges At the begining Objectives Achievements Transfer of innovation Added value Results and Novelties Working process Valorisation Future

The dissemination leaflets: ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

The dissemination placards: ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

The dissemination folder and agenda: ES1-LEO RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation

The dissemination workshops: ES1-LEO Workshop sessions carried out with wider participant profile including PhD students, Master students, Professors, and administrative staff related with education process and investigation policy; Main topics discussed: EC policy, tendencies, competence profiles, mobility schemes and transparency, the importance of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in the field of education in general and green skills in the areas chosen by the project. Main conclusions: highly positive attitude and acceptance of the project aim and objectives and each one of the project main points. They consider the elaborated instruments as useful and well oriented to the re-structuring of the competences in the field of Chemical Engineering. RESULT 8: STRENGTH Dissemination & exploitation