2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses DevInfo Demonstration of a Spatial Statistics Application UNSD SUB-REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRINIDAD and TOBAGO OCT 2007 CENSUS CARTOGRAPHY
Census Population census once every decade Surveys Periodic household surveys on various topics Records Administrative records from various government departments Reports Flagship reports by international agencies with detailed analysis of specific development issues Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library DevInfo.org
UN Endorsement Endorsed by the United Nations to assist Member States in Monitoring human development MDGs Designed to assist in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals and other national plans of action Common Database State-of-the-art database technology with royalty-free distribution Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library DevInfo.org
15,000+ Trained Many professionals have been trained in the use of DevInfo for improved statistical literacy and database administration Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library DevInfo.org
Customized Databases More than 90 national statistics organizations and other agencies have adapted DevInfo Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo DevInfo.org Digital Map Library
Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo DevInfo.org Digital Map Library
Indicators - SDMX Statistical data and metadata exchange (SDMX) ISO/TS 17369:2005 developed by BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Sources - DDI/DC Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and Dublin Core (DC) ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation Digital Maps - UNGIWG Geographic information metadata ISO 19115:2003 Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo Digital Map Library DevInfo.org
Other Databases Integration with Existing Systems System Integration The DevInfo database system is designed to be integrated with existing systems through data exchange mechanisms
Information on Indicator
Information on Area
Information on Data Source Type International dataset Publisher UN Statistics Division Title MDG Data set Year 2006 Observation Country Data
Indicators organized by sectors, goals, themes and other methods
Customized Tables SAVE and SHARE customized reports Rapid Assessment Regular Situation Reports MDG Reports Poverty Reduction Sector Reports
Panel with themes, layers, features, insets
Add raster images from satellite maps Add map insets
Display time series of data in maps INDIA
1901 INDIA Population Density
1911 INDIA Population Density
1921 INDIA Population Density
1931 INDIA Population Density
1941 INDIA Population Density
1951 INDIA Population Density
1961 INDIA Population Density
1971 INDIA Population Density
1981 INDIA Population Density
1991 INDIA Population Density
2001 INDIA Population Density
Zoom-in through levels of data in maps INDIA
L02 States Zoom-in to state level INDIA Population Density
L02 States Population Density INDIA
L03 Districts Districts of the State of Tamil Nadu Population Density INDIA
L04 Sub-districts Sub- Districts of the State of Tamil Nadu Population Density INDIA
48,594 children INDIA
751,000 children 50 Point Layer Earthquake Earthquake simulation INDIA
Challenge Milestones Standards Partnerships Tour MDG Monitoring EmergencyInfo DevInfo.org
2010 World Census Programme UNSD development project recently initiated in collaboration with UNICEF to improve DevInfo functionality for Censuses Three areas of improvement envisioned: –allow for multi-dimensional cross-tabulations (e.g. by age/sex) instead of just one-dimensional indicators; –improve current mapping facility; and –allow for standard tables/graphs according to country-defined templates for census information dissemination (e.g. one-page country report)
2010 World Census Programme Thank you