Prevention and Wellness in Pre K-12 Education Steven H. Kelder, PhD, MPH Professor, The University of Texas School of Public Health Michael & Susan Dell Center for Advancement of Healthy Living Wellness Symposium University of Texas System March 19 – 20, 2007
It is difficult for students to be successful in school if they are… Sleep deprived (caffeine + screen time) Hungry (skipped breakfast, poorly nourished) Low-fit (less available energy) Sick (acute or chronic; ADD, asthma) Mentally ill (depressed) Injured (intentional or unintentional) Bullied (physical, verbal) Overly stressed Using alcohol or other drugs Involved in unhealthy relationships Pregnant or parenting Abused
Language of Health Physical Physiologic functioning Mental Subjective sense of well-being Social Role fulfillment Spiritual Realization of potential Acute disease Chronic Disease Optimal Health Poor health Physical, Emotional, Cognitive Development
Students who met minimum fitness levels in three or more physical fitness areas showed the greatest gains in academic achievement.
Energy IntakeEnergy Expenditure Energy Balance Individual Factors Behavioral Settings Social Norms and Values Communities Worksites Health Care Schools and Child Care Home Demographic Factors (e.g., age, sex, SES, race/ethnicity) Psychosocial Factors Gene- Environment Interactions Other Factors Government Public Health University Health Care Agriculture Education Media Land Use and Transportation Communities Foundations Industry Food Beverage Retail Leisure and Recreation Entertainment Physical Activity Sectors of Influence Food & Beverage Intake IOM Comprehensive approach for preventing and addressing childhood obesity SOURCE: Institute of Medicine, Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity, 2007, pg 20.
Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Classroom Curriculum Physical Education School Food Service Family
Determinants of CATCH Implementation Success l Administrative support –TEA, School District, School Campus l CATCH Champion –Physical Education, School Food Service, Classroom teacher, Nurse, Counselor l Parent Teacher Organization
The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Knowledge is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe