The Hypodermis
The connective tissues of the reticular layer are interwoven with the papillary layer in the dermis However, that is not the only thing that the reticular layer is interwoven with The reticular layer also will attach to the lower layers of the “skin” as well
The Hypodermis The connective tissues of the reticular layer are also interwoven with the hypodermis The hypodermis is a layer that is important in stabilizing the position of the skin in relation to underlying tissues It will keep the skin positioned over skeletal muscles or organs so it can continue to function
The Hypodermis The hypodermis (also known as the subcutaneous layer) is made of a mixture of adipose tissue and areolar tissues This gives is it a very elastic quality It also makes it very durable yet stretchy due to the mixture of the elastic adipose tissue and tough areolar tissue
Blood Flow The hypodermis has a large amount of blood flow The blood flow that reaches the hypodermis is generally blood that will reach the dermis However there are some blood vessels that will end at the hypodermis These are generally feeding the adipose tissue
Blood Flow The blood in these parts of the body is substantial due to the amount of the skin In times of great stress the body will constrict the blood flow to the hypodermis because it is deemed non essential These times people will have a white appearance as blood is kept around the vital organs
Baby Fat Many times the hypodermis adipose tissue is will accumulate in predictable areas As young children we often have excess adipose tissue that is referred to as “baby fat” This adipose tissue is designed to help prevent heat loss and protect the vital organs as we get bumped around as a youth
Baby Fat When developing into adults adipose tissue will collect in predictable places Both sexes will see large deposits of adipose tissue on the abdomen Males will generally have more adipose tissue on the neck, arms, along the lower back and on the butt Females will generally have more adipose tissue on the hips, breasts, butt and thighs
Hypodermic Needles Hypodermic needles are a delivery system that is designed to deliver medicine and drugs to the hypodermis The needle is designed to go through the layers of the epidermis and dermis to the hypodermis This is a popular method delivery for many different medicines
Hypodermic Needle The hypodermic needle will use a sharp and hollow needle to puncture through the 5 layers of the epidermis and the 2 layers of the dermis Here you can rapidly deliver drugs to the blood for fast release You can also deliver drugs to the adipose tissue so they release slowly over time
Video Nothing really bad about this video Slow motion hypodermic needles at work h?v=HKQl1-AmYtc h?v=HKQl1-AmYtc