Water Quality Activity 2 Treatment Amy Biddle
Water Quality Activity 2: Objectives: To use digital imaging to track the removal of natural organic matter from water by alum and activated carbon. To compare the effectiveness of treatment methods for removing natural organic matter.
Timeline: Treatment Experiment Today: 10:00- 10:30:Water Tx Activity Intro: very short Set up: filter Break 10:45- 11:15:Finish Tx set up Allow to settle Over the course of the day (after settling) Take treatment images Thursday: 9:00- 10:00:Water treatment theory How to do image analysis: Quick Clean up aquaria and Tx dishes Friday: 9:00- 10:30:Image Analysis/ clean up: finish Group share: Results Application to classroom practice
Leached water samples
For Each Leaf Type + Water Control Untreated Control AlumActivated Carbon
Activated Carbon Activated Carbon 2.0 grams Filter sample through Ta- Da!
AlumActivated Carbon Activated Carbon 2.0 grams Filter sample through Ta- Da! Alum Adjust pH to 7 with NaHCO 3 (add 5 drops, test…) Add alum until floc is visible throughout (add 5 drops, mix…)
Alum Treatment pH adjusted Alum added Flocks o’ flocs Flocs settle
Taking digital images: Treatments Water Control Leaf 1 Untreated Water Control Leaf 1 Carbon Leaf 2 Carbon Water Control Leaf 1 Alum Leaf 2 Alum Leaf 2 Untreated
Sample data: Intensity