B.A. (English Language) UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA Second Semester 2011/2012 BBI 3211 (English for Specific Purposes)
UNIT 7 (Assessment and Evaluation in ESP) Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Faiz Abdullah
UNIT 7: EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT IN ESP Sub-topics Assessment vs. Evaluation The Design of Evaluations Guidelines on Evaluation Evaluation Methods: Data Gathering Evaluation of Process and Product Programme-Fair Evaluation Evaluation Criteria The Evaluation of Projects The Realities of Evaluation Evaluation in ESP Testing in ESP
Main differences between assessment and evaluation Assessment = measuring or judging the progress, achievement, or proficiency of students The focus is on student learning, the outcomes of instruction Evaluation Evaluation is a broader concept than assessment – value-adding process Assessment may be one part of an evaluation. But evaluation may focus on many other aspects of a course apart from student learning; e.g. quality of the teaching or the materials, the appropriateness of the objectives, the classroom climate and so on.
Evaluation “The process of determining to what extent the objectives are actually being realised.” “Evaluation is the systematic collection and analysis of all relevant information necessary to promote the improvement of a curriculum and assess its effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the participants attitudes within the context of the particular institutions involved
A practical perspective on evaluation Collecting educational information about: the achievement of learners the teachers the materials the teaching methodology the syllabus, etc.
Design of Evaluations Why evaluate? Who evaluates? For whom
Formative evaluation vs. summative evaluation Gathers information about an ongoing program Periodic – aims to check on progress and suggest improvements to program. Focus on improvement Usually internal agents of evaluation Summative Appraisal of a completed program Overall – asks if objectives have been met Serves accountability. Informs decisions on renewal or abandonment of the program Usually external evaluator
Evaluation Methods: Data-Gathering questionnaires interviews classroom observation study of documents tests ratings
Testing Purpose and Test Types Achievement test. Proficiency Test Placement test Diagnostic test Progress test.
The Interpretation of Test Scores Norm-Referenced testing Criterion-referenced testing Scoring Tests Objective scoring. Subjective scoring
Test Validation Reliability issues Validity issues Test Methods Direct tests Indirect tests Performance tests Competence tests
Thank you for listening… Best of luck with your studies! PM Dr. Faiz Abdullah E-Mail: mfaiz@fbmk.upm.edu.my H/Phone: 012-9789764 FBMK Room No. 212 (2nd Floor, Language Studies Block, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication UPM)