The Greeks “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!”
Menelaus While Menelaus was still a boy, his father, the King of Mycenae, was killed. He and his brother, Agamemnon, were exiled, but when they came of age, they came back and claimed the throne. Menelaus became the husband of Helen. Helen did actually love her husband but Aphrodite’s meddling caused issues.
Helen Some say she was an unwilling pawn; others, a vicious vixen.
Helen Continued Helen’s mother was Leda and her father was Tyndareus, King of Sparta. Technically, however, her father is legend to be Zeus who came to Leda in the shape of a swan. Clytemnestra is Helen’s sister. Hermione is her daughter with Menelaus.
Odysseus His cleverness allowed many successes in the war.
Agamemnon Since his brother was King of Sparta, he rightfully took the Kingship of Mycenae. -Married to Clytemnestra, He and Achilles would have many, many issues in the war.
The Quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles It’s always about a girl. Chryseis—a priestess of Apollo Briseis
Achilles That pesky heel; a fierce pride
Patroclus The squire of Achilles. When Achilles refused to fight because he was sulking over Briseis, Patroclus took his place and wore his armor. He was killed by Hector and Achilles was angry and devastated. He vowed vengeance.
Achilles Angers the gods He disrespected the body of his foe.
Ajax He was a warrior second only to Achilles in prowess. He commanded 12 ships and was such a dedicated fighter that his contingent of warriors always stood out on the battlefield. He fought a one on one battle with Hector, but night fell and they exchanged gifts and departed. He saved the life of Odysseus. He brought back the body of Achilles, but he fell from grace concerning Achilles’ armor.
Diomedes Greek King and warrior at the siege of Troy. He was a great athlete and among the fifty warriors inside the wooden horse. Took over when Achilles was unavailable. Went on a search for Heracles’ bow with Odysseus. One of the few Greeks to have a safe and speedy journey home.