Priory Fields Patient Participation Group Survey December 2011
Q.1 Did you see a doctor or nurse when you visited the surgery today?
Q.2 Do you understand the surgery appointment system?
Q.3 When you telephoned the surgery to make your appointment how long did you wait for your call to be answered?
Q.4 How do you rate the time it took for your call to be answered?
Q.5 When you spoke to the receptionist was their manner professional and were you happy with the outcome?
Q.6 How quickly did you see the doctor or nurse?
Q.7 In relation to Q.6 how do you rate this?
Q.8 In general how often do you see your usual doctor?
Q.9 In relation to Q.8 how would you rate this?
Q.10 If you need to see a Doctor urgently can you normally get an appointment on the same day?
Q.11 When you arrived for your appointment how long did you have to wait to see the doctor or nurse?
Q.12 How thoroughly did the doctor ask about your symptoms and how you were feeling?
Q.13 Did you find the amount of time the doctor spent with you?
Q.14 How well did the doctor listen to your problem?
Q.15 How well were you put at ease during your physical examination?
Q.16 How much did the doctor involve you in the decisions about your care?
Q.17 How well did the doctor explain your health problems and any treatment you needed?
Q.18 Did you feel that you had the right amount of information at the end of your consultation?
Q.19 Did you find the amount of time the doctor spent with you?
Q.20 How well did the doctor deal with your questions or worries?
Q.21 How well did the doctor display concern for you?
Q.22 How well do you think the doctor or nurse listened to you?
Q.23 How would you rate the quality of care provided?
Q.24 How well did the doctor or nurse explain your health problems or any treatment needed?
Q.25 If you were referred to hospital were you offered choice?
Q.26 How would you rate the administration of your referral?
Q.27 How did you rate the information you received from your doctor to support your private referral?
Q.28 During your visit to the surgery did you feel cared for and welcomed?
Q.29 How would you rate the cleanliness and surroundings of the surgery?