Erlangga Nugrahabharata Eileen Chu
Templeton Growth Fund facts: Introduced in November 1954 Goal: LT capital appreciation in global equities Average return : 12.55% since inception The last 10 years: 3.66%
1. Determine Optimal Portfolio (OP) Identifying countries and weights Measure performance 2. Determine Optimal Constrained Portfolio (OCP) With Floor and Cap
Summary measures for Templeton- for the year of 2009 r temp : 8.82 % β temp :. 98 RVOL temp :.0886 MarketWeightri σβri*β* RVOL US UK France Switzerland Germany Netherlands South Korea Sweden Italy Singapore Japan Spain Hong Kong Ireland Brazil Templeton *rf 2009 :.0015
1. Calculate RVOL for individual countries (RVOL i ) 2. Rank countries based on RVOL i 3. Calculate C* as the cutoff point 4. Calculate each countries weights in OP 5. Calculate OP performance
Marketri(r i -r f ) σβ RVOL i US UK France Switzerland Germany Netherlands South Korea Sweden Italy Singapore Japan Spain Hong Kong Ireland Brazil World
Marketri(r i -r f ) σβ RVOL i Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan South Korea Netherlands Germany US France UK Italy Spain Ireland
C*=C Japan = Market(r i -r f ) β RVOL σσ2εiσ2εi (r i -r f ) β i / σ 2 ε i σ2mβi/σ2εi Ci Brazil , Sweden Hong Kong , Switzerland Singapore Japan South Korea , Netherlands Germany US France UK Italy Spain Ireland
Market βσ2εiσ2εi RVOL C*ZiWi Brazil1.49 2, Sweden Hong Kong1.18 1, Switzerland Singapore Japan
MarketWeight%ri(r i -r f ) σβri*β*Weight RVOL op Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan OP Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio (OP) r op : 15.94% β op :. 98 RVOL op :.1380
Maximize floor for US Apply cap 6.5% to RVOL-ranked countries up to US
Floor 35% for US Apply cap 6.5% to RVOL-ranked countries up to Japan International Diversification (keep all countries in the portfolio) An Art not Science
Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio (OP) r ohu : 10.93% β chu : RVOL chu :.1380 Calculate the performance of OCP chu MarketWeight%ri(r i -r f ) βri*β* RVOL* US Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan South Korea Netherlands Germany France UK Italy Spain Ireland OCPCHU
Portfoliorp β RVOL Temple Growth OP OCP Angga OCP Chu MSCI USA MSCI World Rank rp BetaRVOL 1OP 2OCP Angga 3OCP Chu 4Templeton GWorldTempleton G 5MSCI WorldTempleton GMSCI USA 6 MSCI World
Gather 2010 data mance.html mance.html Run the out of sample calculation for each country’s return, beta Use the same weight of 2009 Calculate the portfolio performance (Templeton, OP, OCP, USA & World)
Index Level :Price Currency :USD Date/CountryFrance German y Netherla nd SWITZE RLANdUKUSA HONG KONGITALYJAPAN SINGAP ORESPAIN SWEDE NBRAZIL IRELAN DKOREA AC WORLD Monthly Ri r T = (V t+T -V t ) / V t
MarketWeightri β MarketWeightri β US US * UK UK France France Switzerland Switzerland Germany Germany Netherlands Netherlands South Korea South Korea * Sweden Sweden * Italy Italy Singapore Singapore * Japan Japan * Spain Spain Hong Kong Hong Kong * Ireland Ireland Brazil Brazil World World
MarketWeightriri βri*β* RVOL US,2010 US UK France Switzerland Germany Netherlands South Korea Sweden Italy Singapore Japan Spain Hong Kong Ireland Brazil Templeton World Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio r temp : 8.87% β temp : RVOL temp :.0853
MarketWeight%riri βri*β* RVOL op,201 0 Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio r op : 15.93% β op : RVOL op :.1357
MarketWeight%riri βri*β* RVOL ocp1,2010 US Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan South Korea Netherlands Germany France UK Italy Spain Ireland Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio r chu : 11.06% β chu : RVOL chu :.1022
MarketWeight%riri βri*β* RVOL ocp2,2010 US Brazil Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Japan South Korea Netherlands Germany Summary measures for Optimal Portfolio r angga : 11.39% β angga : RVOL angga :.1057
Portfoli orprp β RVOL p,2010 Temple Growth OP OCP Chu OCP Angga MSCI USA MSCI World RankrpBetaRVOL 1OP 2OCP AnggaOCP ChuOCP Angga 3OCP ChuOCP AnggaOCP Chu 4Templeton G 5MSCI World MSCI USA 6 MSCI World
Op performs the best Portfoliorprp β RVOL p,2009 Portfoliorprp β RVOL p,2010 Temple Growth Temple Growth OP OP OCP Chu OCP Chu OCP Angga OCP Angga MSCI USA MSCI USA MSCI World MSCI World Rankrprp BetaRVOLRankrprp BetaRVOL 1OP 1 2OCP A 2 OCP COCP A 3OCP C 3 OCP AOCP C 4Templeton GWorldTempleton G4 5WorldTempleton GUSA5World USA 6 World6USA World