Mrs. Minna Turrell Room 153 Hours 1, 3, 5
It’s this or Chemistry Improves problem-solving skills, math skills, standardized-test scores Encourages logical thinking and use of analogies (models) Colleges value Physics courses and many programs require it Strong job market for Physics-based careers Physics is everywhere (I’ll attempt to prove it to you!)
Interactions between matter, forces, and energy Study of the physical (nonliving) world One of the oldest academic disciplines ASTRONOMY
Mechanics Kinematics Dynamics Thermodynamics Vibrations and Waves Optics Electromagnetism Relativity Quantum Mechanics
Kinematics the study of the description of motion “HOW” things move Dynamics The study of the causes of motion “WHY” things move Dynamics is the cause; Kinematics is the effect.
Greek therme meaning “heat” and dynamis meaning “power” Study of conversion between heat and mechanical work Relationships between heat energy, pressure, density, and temperature of substances
Study of the different types of waves and their properties Causes of waves How waves are disturbed Study of sound
Behavior and properties of light Interactions between light and matter Instruments to measure and detect light Electromagnetic spectrum/different forms of light
One of the 4 fundamental forces in nature Force that causes interaction between electrically- charged particles Study of relationships between electricity and magnetism Can also include study of light
Physical interpretation of motion, space, and time Theory that space and time are RELATIVE concepts rather than ABSOLUTE concepts
Study of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic level
If you had to choose your future career right now, what would it be? Do you think that Physics or Chemistry play a role in that career choice? Provide an explanation if possible. Name, date, and hour at the top of your Exit Card Turn it in before you leave