Federal Accountability Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) Meeting | March 5, 2012 Texas Education Agency | Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Performance Reporting
2012 Federal Accountability
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) evaluations for all public school districts and campuses are required by federal regulation. In December 2010, Texas requested to carry forward 2011 AYP Status and School Improvement Program (SIP) interventions for districts and campuses for the school year. The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) did not approve the request. 3
2012 Federal Accountability The federal accountability advisory group, Title I Committee of Practitioners (COPS), reviewed and approved recommended changes to the 2012 AYP Workbook. The 2012 Texas AYP Workbook was submitted on February 15, The USDE approved the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) to the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Bridge Study on February 17,
2012 Federal Accountability Summary of Federal Requirements 2012 AYP Performance standards increase in rigor: 87% in reading/English language arts (ELA), and 83% in mathematics. Federal regulations require 2012 AYP graduation rate evaluations of All Students and every student group. Participation Rate and Attendance Rate standards remain unchanged. 7
2012 Federal Accountability Summary of Texas Amendment Requests Evaluate 2012 AYP and School Improvement Program (SIP) statuses based on: TAKS results for grade 10, STAAR results for grades 3-8 at the TAKS proficiency standard, and STAAR EOC results for grades 8 and below at the TAKS proficiency standard for Algebra I and English I reading. Maintain the 2011 Graduate Rate Targets for 2012 AYP. 8
ESEA Reauthorization The current federal blueprint for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) proposes that, by 2020, states adopt state-developed standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics to build toward college- and career-readiness by the time students graduate from high school and adopt high-quality statewide assessments aligned with these standards. The blueprint is located at: At this time, a timeline for when the ESEA reauthorization will occur is under consideration and not available. 9
AYP Resources For more information on AYP, see the 2011 AYP Guide, accessible at The current Texas AYP Workbook, as of October 12, 2011, is at FAQs about AYP are available at USDE information is available at Contact the Division of Performance Reporting by at or phone at (512) 10