Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/3/10 Martha Ellis, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Community College Partnerships University of Texas System For Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Postsecondary Success 2nd Annual Convening June 2010 Community College Initiative 11
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 12/3/10 State of Texas Eight University systems comprised of 38 universities UT System is largest 9 general academic institutions 6 health science centers 202,240 students 33% of all students enrolled in academic institutions 67% of all students enrolled in health-related institutions Coordinated by THECB 50 Community College Districts—Independent 610,500 students 75% of the state’s freshmen and sophomores 78% of all Texas minority students in higher education Coordinated by THECB Independent School Districts (ISDs) –K-12 1,268 districts Governed by TEA
12/3/10 Increasing the number of community college students transferring in Texas Statewide responsibility including joint legislative platform Increasing collaboration among institutions Implementing change at state and local level Helping students complete a degree Fostering a robust economic future in Texas 33 Increasing the number of community college students transferring in Texas Statewide responsibility including joint legislative platform Increasing collaboration among institutions Implementing change at state and local level Helping students complete a degree Fostering a robust economic future in Texas
12/3/10 UTS: Core Completed at Community College and University GPA UTS: Associate Degree Completers and University GPA
12/3/10 Focus Groups with successful community college transfer students Credit hours upon transfer Hours lost upon transfer Demographics: 50 %male/female 46% 1st Generation 47%Hispanic, 38% White, 7% African American, 7% Asian 59% yrs of age 41% 25 yrs and older Focus Groups with successful community college transfer students Credit hours upon transfer Hours lost upon transfer Demographics: 50 %male/female 46% 1st Generation 47%Hispanic, 38% White, 7% African American, 7% Asian 59% yrs of age 41% 25 yrs and older
12/3/10 Students say: Academically well prepared by cc for university Advising is lacking at both cc and university Customer service needs to be improved in student services Must be highly self motivated to navigate the system Recommendations: Provide better information and utilize technology Eliminate competitive attitudes between institutions Students say: Academically well prepared by cc for university Advising is lacking at both cc and university Customer service needs to be improved in student services Must be highly self motivated to navigate the system Recommendations: Provide better information and utilize technology Eliminate competitive attitudes between institutions
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