BANNED BOOKS WEEK The last week in September.
MY PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES By the end of this presentation, you will be able to… 1.Understand why books are challenged. 2.Know who challenges books. 3.Recognize the difference between a challenge and a banning. 4.Know which books are on the banned list.
Think of some personal freedoms that you enjoy having. How about the freedom to read?
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BAN A BOOK? Banning a book means removing it from schools and libraries to restrict people from reading it because someone considers the ideas in the book inappropriate of offensive. “Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information.” - American Library Association
Offensive language Unsuitable to age group Example Banned book: Harriet, the Spy (Louise Fitzhugh) Reason: Teaches children to lie, spy, talk back, and curse. I Want to Know WHY?
I Want to Know Who Would Do Such a Thing? Parents School districts Federal Departments Example Banned: A version of Little Red Riding Hood (Brothers Grimm) Reason: She was bringing wine to her grandmother.
How many of you have read this book? This was one of the most banned books of the 1990s!
How many of you remember this book? It was actually banned in Texas in 2010.
How about the dictionary? It was banned in California elementary schools in 2010.
Existing Policy… In the United States, any person or organization can challenge a book at their public library or school district. Challenging a book means giving reasons it should be banned! The library or school district then decides whether or not to make the book available to the public.
Should a library or school be permitted to ban books? What is the danger in banning books? HINT: What is the danger in banning IDEAS? TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO RESPOND… Does banning books violate your personal freedoms? Why or why not?
TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO RESPOND… What are some of your favorite books? Are any of them on the banned list. What are some of your favorite books? Are any of them on the banned list. If you were participating in Banned Books Weeks activities, which banned books would you most like to read, and why? If you were participating in Banned Books Weeks activities, which banned books would you most like to read, and why? What are some reasons a school board might choose to remove certain books from school libraries. What are some reasons a school board might choose to remove certain books from school libraries. Does a member of the public have a right to decide whether others should be allowed be allowed access to a book? If so, under what circumstances would he or she have the right to decide? Does a member of the public have a right to decide whether others should be allowed be allowed access to a book? If so, under what circumstances would he or she have the right to decide?