Admission to Professional Semester STUDENT TEACHING Fall 2016
TB Testing UWEC ID needed Precautions- Do not take the TB test if you have had a positive result in the past, instead you will need x-rays. Do not pick at the injection site (it may turn red and raised). Visit Health Services for reading within hours after the test was given. Hours are 8:30am – 11:30am, or 12:30pm - 7:00pm on Wed. and 8:30 – 11:30am, or 12:30pm – 4:30pm on Thurs. and Fri.
Expectations School day- Contract day, attend PD, You are full-time teachers! Must have own transportation Extracurricular options-clubs, sports, chaperoning are a great way to get involved! Be aware of transporting students per district policy. Jobs- Remember, you are teaching full time and prepping 2-3 hours outside of school. Seminar will be on Wednesday evenings. Vacations- Do not plan! Don’t contact districts on your own for placements (per our policy on pg. 20)
Application Packet Address Information Previous placements Relatives who teach Home school district Courses for Completion- Degree Audit NOTE: Specific dates are required for testing. We will not accept an application without a specific date listed. Attach audit to application. Please note personal factors to be considered- separate form for out of area request (see policy on page 15) Advisor’s signature needed only for SPED
Packet continued… Praxis results to 1913 and PRINT multiple copies! Résumé for Cooperating Teacher- attach to application Philosophy of Education for Cooperating Teacher- attach to application Submit all paperwork together, paper clipped Due date is Friday, December 4 th ! Any questions so far?
Placement Postings and Calendars Notifications in May; some may be later Calendar - start with school district in Aug.; be prepared 2 weeks prior to end of the month to begin placement! End date will be approximately 3 rd week in January All vacation times follow district calendar NOT University calendar Winterim courses should be avoided unless they begin after 4:00 p.m.
Opportunities Placements – MCEA (elementary/middle), EAA (middle/high), ECA (elementary/secondary), SPED 3 placements for UEC, SPED (CD/LD), MCEA (LD/Gen Ed), Double Majors. EdTPA requires you to teach in your MAJOR for the first quarter. Aldine District in Houston, Texas- Deadline March 30 th, 2016 (semester) Milwaukee- Deadline March 30 th, 2016 (semester) Overseas-Department of Defense Education Schools and Study Abroad Deadline November 16 th, 2015 (one quarter) Internships- Only those that are approved by Wisconsin DPI. Field Experience Office will notify approved individuals of internship opportunities. Please note, due to teacher shortages, districts may attempt to recruit you! Our partnership schools MUST have their internship approved by the DPI. FORT Testing
Visit Us in Field Experience! Centennial, Rooms 3102, 3104, 3106 See handbook and other links on the Field Experience Website: hered/fieldexperience/index.htm Donna Anders Certification Officer Leslie Klay Field Experience Coordinator