Suffolk Local Policing Model Review 2015 Improving our service through better demand management and prioritising threat, harm & risk.


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Presentation transcript:

Suffolk Local Policing Model Review 2015 Improving our service through better demand management and prioritising threat, harm & risk

Background Exploring Public Access and Neighbourhood Teams Gaining your views

Policing is changing Changing crime Changing demand Innovation, partnerships and demand reduction are key Our remit…..

Background In 2010 the Government announced central funding for policing would fall by 20% leading up to By the end of that period, Suffolk made savings of £16.7m As part of the current spending review the savings target for Suffolk is £20.5m by 2020 Savings of £15m have already been identified

Remit of Local Policing Review Reviewing processes Better understanding of demand Working more effectively with partners and other agencies Making best use of technology Ensuring the service can meet future challenges Saving money

Stage 2: To identify £5m savings by 2017 /18 o Phase 1, to develop plans to achieve £2.1m savings by April 2016 o Phase 2, to develop plans to achieve £2.9m savings by April 2017 o Phase 1, to develop plans to achieve £2.1m savings by April 2016 o Phase 2, to develop plans to achieve £2.9m savings by April 2017 Stage 1 complete; £3.3m savings identified Local Policing: Savings

Public Access

Current Position 18 stations that provide front counter services at the following locations; Tier 1 – Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich, Lowestoft Tier 2 – Beccles, Felixstowe, Halesworth, Haverhill, Leiston, Mildenhall, Newmarket, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Woodbridge Tier 3 – Brandon, Capel St Mary, Eye, Hadleigh, Ixworth

Overview Decrease in footfall at front counters Analysis shows us nature of significant amounts of demand is not police focused Need to better exploit technology Opportunities with wider partnership work and integrated teams

Neighbourhood Teams

County Area Locality Micro- beats Pan Suffolk Functions, e.g. Niche Specialist teams, Command & Control, Athena Hub & Community Safety 3 area based teams, e.g. IOM, CID, PVP, Proactivity, Safeguarding & Managing Scheduled Appointments (Investigation Support) Emergency response and Safer Neighbourhood Teams, Aiming to develop multi-agency integrated teams Specific areas with specific high demands.

Current Position 29 SNT’s (33 bases) 3 OPT’s

The future Neighbourhood policing will remain the bedrock. Suffolk Constabulary will work closely with communities and partners to protect vulnerable people. Suffolk Constabulary will prioritise greatest threat risk and harm with the most appropriate resources.

Neighbourhood Teams Urgent care/ repeat service users / case management Business Crime Rural Crime Schools Community Relations Business Crime Rural Crime Schools Community Relations People Place Threat/harm/risk & vulnerability Visibility and Engagement

Changing roles Focused SNT engagement plan based on area priorities Reviewing priority setting and meeting attendance SNT’s based in micro-beats – identified locations of crime/ASB Managing threat, harm and risk Combining functions (simplifying structures) Reviewing workforce mix

‘Connect’: Integrated Teams Current pressures include a decrease in funding combined with both an increased demand from service users and increased public expectations of what can or should be delivered. The aims are: People living happier and more independent lives People feeling more in control of their lives People being more informed and taking personal responsibility for their health and social care Stronger communities and networks Which will result in: Reduce unnecessary hospital admissions Reduce admissions to care homes Mean that fewer children will need child protection plans Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour See a reduction in homelessness Reduce drug, alcohol and substance abuse and dependence

Neighbourhood Networks Neighbourhood Networks are unique to the needs of communities. Made up of community groups, voluntary sector organisations, shops, GP practices and community pharmacies. Can also include someone’s friends, family, colleagues and anyone else they feel supported by.

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams Consists of staff from different teams/ professions: social care for adults and children/families, health, police, mental health, district and borough teams, along with the voluntary sector. Remain employed by their own organisation but have regular multi agency meetings to discuss individual cases for effective resolution, case management and demand reduction.


Given a reduced budget, what are you prepared to see the police do less of? What do you think should be the top priority of the police? Commitments to meetings will have to change – how can we communicate differently with you in the future?

How communities can have their say Public survey through evidence based policing partnership Chief Constable and PCC on tour dates. Chief Constable and PCC webchat 20th July Thurs 23 July 11 am – 2 pm Stowmarket At the Meadow Centre, near Costa Coffee Fri 24 July 11 am – 2 pm Haverhill Market Square Mon 27 July 11:30 am – 2:30 pm Ipswich Corn Hill Wed 29 July 11 am – 2 pm Felixstowe The Triangle Thurs 30 July 11 am – 2 pm Sudbury Market Hill Fri 31 July 11:30 am – 2:30 pm Lowestoft - London Road North outside Sports Direct Thurs 6 Aug 11 am – 2 pm Bury St Edmunds The Arc Shopping Centre Fri 14 Aug 11am-2pm Brandon Market Square – outside SNT base