St Peter’s APCM Rector’s Address 6 th April 2014
The church exists by mission as a fire exists by burning – Emil Brunner “God’s mission (is)...offering reconciliation and new life for all people” (John 3:16 etc) “the Church is all the people of God...made up of the priesthood of all believers (1 Pet 2:8-9)”
We need to look for growth in: Numbers turning to Christ; Belief and trust in Christ; Quality of our community life; Engagement with our communities
We need to look for growth in: Numbers turning to Christ; Belief and trust in Christ; Quality of our community life; Engagement with our communities
St Peter’s..... Agrees! And wants to grow, especially with younger people and children Wants to reach out to groups and areas of the parish Wants to update worship while retaining a balance of traditions Generally knows that we discover, celebrate and share “life with God”; wants to explore what “life with God” means!
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 1 Cor 3:6
Discover, celebrate and share “Ministers need to ensure that all Christians are confident to witness humbly to the realities of their faith in the workplace, community or other networks”
Mission Action Planning Parish and what we have? God’s priorities and promptings? What? What with? Who? Do! and check...
Looking and listening
Administration Mission Communication People Safeguarding Finance Buildings Leadership and Governance Hospitality Care and support Evangelism and welcome WorshipDiscipleship and nurture Outreach
Administration Mission Communication People Safeguarding Finance Buildings Leadership and Governance Hospitality Care and supportEvangelism and welcomeWorshipDiscipleship and nurtureOutreach Administration Mission Communication People Safeguarding Finance Buildings Leadership and Governance Hospitality Care and supportEvangelism and welcomeWorshipDiscipleship and nurtureOutreach
A final word from + Jonathan “(All) are called to live a life of righteousness, to allow God’s plan to emerge, to speak the word that releases God’s presence into the world. Doug is here to lead and encourage and equip you all in doing exactly that: to see the pattern of the kingdom emerging in this place, at this time. That is the call to Christian discipleship of all God’s people” (19 Mar 2014)
37 For no word from God will ever fail.’ Luke 1:37
The Grace... May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all, evermore. Amen. 2 Cor 13:14