– 2008 Analysis of TAKS Results Data by Student Groups
3 Major Highlights 75% of all NEISD Campuses rated Exemplary or Recognized More than 90% of Elementary Campuses are rated Exemplary or Recognized 27% Increase in Exemplary campuses Once again, NEISD has more Exemplary campuses than any other district in Bexar County
4 Major Highlights 2008 TAKS passing rates increased in every subject for every student group Marked improvement in Science for African Americans (+13%), Hispanic(+11%), and Economic Disadvantaged (13%)
5 Are There Gaps in Student Achievement?
6 NO GAPS All Hispanic All White All African American All Economically Disadvantaged All Special Education Students All Limited English Proficient (LEP) Equity and Excellence for All Students
7 –All children are capable of high levels of academic success; –Academic success equitably includes all student groups; –Adults in schools are primarily responsible; –Traditional school practices result in inequity and must be changed. Core Beliefs
8 Process of Finding the Gaps Look at current year results and compare them to prior years –Disaggregate by student groups –Close attention to ethnic groups and special populations –Use a variety of tabular and graphic formats Look at our progress in closing gaps over time Examine within and across ethnic groups and special populations to determine the extent of gaps
District Accountability Rating
10 % = % Pass All = Total W=White H =Hispanic AA = Afr. American ED=Eco. Disadvantaged
11 High Schools What are educationally important differences - District ± 3%
12 TAKS Reading/ELA Achievement GAPS:
13 TAKS Writing Achievement Gaps:
14 TAKS Social Studies Achievement GAPS:
15 TAKS Science Achievement Gaps:
16 TAKS Math Achievement Gaps:
21 Bottom Line It is not about the gaps. Our goal is to make certain each and every child receives a quality education and is prepared for college and workforce readiness. NEISD Where Every Child Is Prepared for the Future
22 The End
23 Preliminary 2008 AEIS Accountability Ratings: Elementary School Exemplary Recognized Acceptable 1604
24 Preliminary 2008 AEIS Accountability Ratings: Middle School Exemplary Recognized Acceptable 1604
25 Preliminary 2008 AEIS Accountability Ratings: High School Exemplary Recognized Acceptable Note: ISA is Exemplary 1604