Good things that are happening for kids
Texas Students Rank #1, #2, & #3 in the nation! When comparing students by subgroups, Texas 4 th and 8 th graders outperformed their peers in other states on the NAEP math exam –Texas White & Asian 4 th graders rank #1! S-E is at 100% where the state is at 92% (TAKS)
Texas Students Rank #1, #2, & #3 in the nation! –Texas White & Asian 8 th graders rank #3! S-E is at 92% where the state is at 81% (TAKS) –Texas Hispanic & AA 4 th & 8 th graders rank #2! S-E Hispanic 4 th = 80% - state = 80% S-E Hispanic 8 th = 86% - state = 59%
Texas Students Outperform Peer Groups on NAEP Science Exam
Number of Texas Students Taking AP Exams Increases 53% Since 2002 Advance Course / Dual Enrollment Completion –Texas = 20.5% –S-E = 21.2% RHSP/DAP Graduates –Texas = 72.3% –S-E = 84.2%
Texans Get More Education for Their Money than Other States Texas spends $1080 per student below the national average according to the National Center for Education Statistics –Texas spends $9269 per student –S-E spends $9654 per student A difference of $385 per student
Texas public education achieves despite having one of the highest percentages of: Limited English Proficient student populations –Texas = 15.8% –S-E = 11.6% Students on the Free & Reduced Lunch program –Texas = 55.6% –S-E = 66%
Class observations
The consequences of not developing critical thinking skills are seriousconsequences