A DISTORTION OF ISLAM WAHHABIYYA The Concept and the Wisdom Behind it
Al Wahhabiyya or Wahhabism Wahhabism is a Islamic religious movement or a branch that is considered extremist and/or heretical by many Sunni scholars. It is claimed that it was developed by an 18th century Muslim theologian (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab) from Najd, Saudi Arabia, who advocated purging Islam of "impurities". Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyya and questioned classical interpretations of Islam, claiming to rely on the Quran (Koran) and the Hadith.
Mohammad Hayya Al-Sindhi Mohammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab's teacher Abdallah ibn Ibrahim ibn Sayf introduced the relatively young man to Mohammad Hayya Al-Sindhi in Medina and recommended him as a student. Al-Sindi was a renowned scholar of hadith who was well known for repudiating innovations. Scholars have described Muhammad Hayya as having an important influence on Mohammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, encouraging him to denounce rigid imitation of classical commentaries and to utilize informed individual analysis (ijtihad).
Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab After his return to 'Uyayna, ibn Abd-al-Wahhab began to attract followers, including the ruler of the town, Uthman ibn Mu'ammar. With Ibn Mu'ammar's support, ibn Abd-al-Wahhab began to implement some of his ideas These actions were disapproved of by Sulaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Ghurayr of the tribe of Bani Khalid, the chief of Al-Hasa and Qatif, who held substantial influence in Nejd and ibn Abd-al-Wahhab was expelled from 'Uyayna. Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab was invited to settle in neighboring Diriyah by its ruler Muhammad ibn Saud in 1740 (1157 AH), two of whose brothers had been students of al-Wahhab.
Saudi sponsorship Beginning in the last years of the 18th century Ibn Saud and his heirs would spend the next 140 years mounting various military campaigns to seize control of Arabia and its outlying regions, before being attacked and defeated by Ottoman forces. In the early 20th Century, the Wahhabist-oriented Al-Saud dynasty conquered and unified the various provinces on the Arabian peninsula, founding the modern day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. The Saudi government established the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a state religious police unit, to enforce Wahhabi rules of behaviour.
Beliefs The Wahhabi subscribe to the primary doctrine of the uniqueness and unity of God (Tawhid). Wahhabi theology treats the Koran and Hadith as the only fundamental and authoritative texts. Making dua to anyone or anything other than Allah, or seeking supernatural help and protection that is only befitting of a divine being from something other than Allah are acts of "shirk" and contradict Tawhid. Wahhabism denounces the practice of adherence to the interpretations of scholars, and of practices passed on within the family or tribe.
The Enmity towards Awliyas Wahhabis enmity towards awliyas and sufism is stemmed from the extermination of Kharijites (outliers) by Imam Ali who is the sultan of awliyas.
The Enmity towards Awliyas Since the people of Najd were slaughtered during the caliphate of Abu Bakr (ra) the wahhabis who are their grandsons have an inherent hatred toward ahl al Sunnah.
Extremeness as a matter deviance All of the deviant sects in Islam depend on truth yet either because of rivalry or obstinacy they have gone beyond the bounds