ICALEO ® October 20, 2015 Atlanta, GA USA
Directed Light Inc., founded in 1983, is comprised of three divisions: Advanced Technology Job Shop, Custom Systems Integration, and Components and Service. Our objective is to provide high quality products and services to a wide variety of manufacturing sectors.
Directed Light provides service and support for a broad selection of lasers. This includes industrial, medical, and scientific environments. We stock an extensive inventory of mission-critical laser components, and provide immediate attention and prompt handling of urgent customer requirements. We have been establishing and maintaining long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with our customers and our suppliers for three decades.
Rule #1: Sticking with Your Budget Balancing Your Budget Formulating Your Budget Reaping the Benefits
Rule #2: Cash Flow Management The Key to Success and a Peaceful Night’s Sleep International Currency Fluctuations Putting Money Aside for a Rainy Day
Rule #3: Controlling Unexpected Costs and Capital Investments Equipment Purchases Aggravation Lots of Dollars
Rule #4: Marketing Where to Spend Those Precious Dollars The WebTradeshows Website Optimizing for Search Engines When to Exhibit When to Attend
Fast Pay makes Fast Friends Managing Payment Cycles Accounts ReceivableAccounts Payable Setting Realistic Credit Limits & Terms Friendly Service
Rule #5:Tax Management Property Tax Income Tax Payroll Tax Sales Tax
Maintaining Your Customer’s Confidentiality Protecting Your IP
Identify Target Tackle the Competition
Hiring the Right Personnel Robots for Production Professionals Compatible Team
New opportunities through technological innovation and the utilization of multiple wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Thank You IZB Thank You Laser Pioneers Arthur Schawlow Charles Townes Theodore Maiman